Wayland City manager Joshua Eggleston is one of four finalists for the city manager’s job at at Saugatuck.

After the controversial departure of City Manager Ryan Heise, Mayor Lauren Stanton said Saugatuck has narrowed down its search for a replacement to four candidates.

•The final four include:

Eggleston, city manager of Wayland for six years. He previously spent five years as city administrator in Durand, Wisc. Eggleston holds a master’s degree from Cleveland State University.

• William Joseph, former village manager of Paw Paw. He’s also served as a city commissioner and mayor for Mount Pleasant. Joseph holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and political science from Central Michigan University.

• Michael Sheahan, who has served in the United States Coast Guard for 21 years and now is officer-in-charge at the United States Coast Guard Station Niagara. He was operations manager at the United States Coast Guard Station Grand Haven from 2015 to 2019, currently enrolled at Troy University.

• Ryan Cummins, currently interim city manager in Saugatuck. He joined the city in September 2022 as director of planning, zoning and project management. He is mayor pro tem for his city of residence, Grand Haven, and has a criminal justice degree from Michigan State University.

Cummins was named acting city manager Tuesday, Feb. 6, after a special Saugatuck City Council meeting. There was no explanation given.

The Holland Sentinel said a press release announced Heise’s resignation Feb. 27, citing “personal reasons” and “opportunities for professional development.”

The Sentinel then reported that Heise agreed to resign in exchange for nearly $100,000.

Candidate interviews begin at 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 22. Stanton said sif interviews go well, there could be a motion that evening to issue an offer.


Denny linington
May 17, 2024
I hope city is looking for a replacement now . Don't forget audit
May 19, 2024
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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