Wayland City Manager Joshua Eggleston was granted a modest raise Monday evening at the City Council meeting.
Eggleston, who came to Wayland in 2018 from Durand, Wisc., where he had served as municipal administrator for four and a half years.He also held municipal job at two locations in Ohio.
He now will make $99,880 annually, as compared to $94,700 a year ago. The raise is calculated at 5.4 percent, below the rate of inflation.
Very undeserving
Funny how folks think public officials; public K-12 school systems, their administrators, teachers and support staff; community colleges and public universities operate in a parallel universe that is impervious to inflation, rising energy prices, interest rates, and other economic conditions.
Incidentally, I did not know that a 5.4% raise was modest. I guess I must be new to the USA work force. My opinion.
To be honest, my annual increase this year was 3.5% and I could have done better job hopping but I’m content where I am.