Kari and Tim Kennedy

Three proposals that came before the City of Wayland Planning Commission went 3-for-3 Tuesday night, two of them involving businesses on Reno Drive.

The winning proposals were a rezoning from Planned Enterprise and Culster Development (PECD) to light industrial for a parcel between Logistics and the new carpenter training center; a special use permit for a day care center at 227 Apollo Drive, and the addition of two more storage buildings at Superior Self Storage, 500 Reno Drive.

Al VanderLaan, developer of properties under the PECD designation insisted that zoning has outlived its usefulness.

“Light industrial would be the best fit,” he told commission members. “If it’s zoned light industrial, we’re hopeful that we can sell it and bring another good business to our community.”

Eric Thompson, representing Professional Code Inspections, said the zoning change would be compatible with the city’s master plan.

The commission voted 5-0 to recommend rezoning to the City Council.

Tim and Kari Kennedy asked for a special use permit to accommodate a day care business out of their home for children ages 2 to 5. Mrs. Kennedy said she’d like to make the accent on something like a preschool. The business will be open weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Karl Veldheer, owner of Superior Self-Storage across the street from General RV, said he’s like to add two buildings at the site, “Instead of growing weeds. It’s a better use use of the property. I hate weeds.”

The commission decided to waive screening and paving requirements, as permitted by the city’s zoning ordinance, agreeing a couple of new storage buildings would be better than weeds.

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