The Wayland City Council Monday night agreed to sell property in the industrial park that four months ago appeared to be stalled by price.

John Scholten of Award Enterprises last winter offered to buy the almost 11-acre parcel at 1065 133rd Ave. if he could get the same kind of deal as Josh Otto and Keith Nickels four years ago.


Nickels and Otto bought an oddly-shaped piece of land from the city in the industrial park in 2017 for $20,000 after it sat idle for more than 19 years.


Though Scholten’s original offer was much lower than what the city wanted, he counter-offered $149,000, which the council accepted.


The property at 1065 133rd Ave. is near the corner with Division Avenue on the south end of the city.


1 Comment

Don't Tread On Me
April 8, 2021
John Scholten got a great deal at $13,545 per acre. Otto and Nickels got a steal at less than $800 per acre. And the TAXPAYERS of Wayland take it in the shorts again! Something smelled bad 4 years ago with Otto admitting they had an inside City Hall coach, as Otto said on TV8 interview "they" in city hall said to offer $20,000 when there was a realtor sign on the property at the time. The realtor price was $52,900 per acre. Quite a deal indeed. $1,327,790 vs. $20,000, a difference of $1,307,790! The original price the city gave for the property was $196,000 and 3 parcels were sold with the remaining huge parcel left. The city was land speculating with your tax dollars then, and selling at a loss later. Some great investment for 20+ years, thank you City Hall (whoever "they" is) and City Council for voting to accept so little for your "investment". Great job.

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