The City of Wayland in this approaching winter will snowplow only Main and Superior Streets, otherwise leaving residents to remove it from in front of their homes.

City Manager Josh Eggleston, responding to a question from from former Mayor Burrell Stein, explained that the city is underfunded for infrastucture projects and services by $7 million and just can’t afford to spend as much as $150,000 on another snow removal device.

Citizen Carol Beckwith, who lives in Wayland Township, said, “I see zero reason to purchase equipment for this,” and suggested residents pay a neighbor boy or girl to remove snow.

Also responding to a question, Eggleston said city crews want residents to leave their fallen leaves on the curb and not on the street for removal in the next few weeks.

In other business at the meeting Monday night, City Council:

  • Was told by the city manager that the Public Safety Committee will take up the issues of a local ORV ordinance at a meeting at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 26 at City Hall Council Chambers.
  • Learned that interviews for a new police chief are expected to be in the first week of November. Mark Rookus has been acting chief since the resignation of Mark Garnsey in the first week of September.
  • Approved payment of up to $45,000 for the new police cruiser, most recently for the outfitting of the vehicle. Costs will be absorbed by funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act.
  • Learned from Clerk Lee Ann Clausen that 439 absentee ballots were sent out for the Nov. 8 general election and only 152 have been returned. The clerk said in the previous two election city residents had a terrific return rate of better than 95 percent.
  • Agreed to closing off Marlo Lane and Geneva Drive cul de sacs for a block party later this month.


October 17, 2022
I have not seen the city do any kind or normal infrastructure work in years they can't even do normal maintenance on anything. I have heard that they have a brand new sewer cleaning truck and don't even use it for its purpose. So they can continue to plow side walks they just don't want to.
October 18, 2022
Thank you, Travis. I'm glad someone else has noticed the incompetence of the Wayland DPW. So they have five full-time employees, but will they be letting a couple go or be laid off? This would save a few thousands of dollars a month. Or, how about a bidding process for an independent contractor for the city maintenance like business do? This alone would also probably save thousands of dollars because the DPW waste that monthly on gas just driving around, doing absolutely nothing.
Dennis Longstreet
October 18, 2022
I do not think Carol Beckwith realizes you can not shovel snow with one hand as the neighbor hood boy or girl have one hand dedicated to the smart phone??
October 18, 2022
I don’t think Carol Beckwith realizes that since she lives in Wayland TOWNSHIP that she doesn’t have a vote or say in Wayland CITY business….. I don’t think there is any leadership at the DPW. Which stems from the rather large individual that manages city hall.
October 20, 2022
This is ridiculous, with the amount of money we spend on property taxes and not to mention the rising cost of water/ sewer costs. And then, to say they are underfunded by $7 million, is mind blowing!! It’s time for some changes in this city!
October 20, 2022
Kathy ,yes you are correct, but the city has done a wonderful job when it comes to spending our tax dollars on equipment for the DPW and police department like they need another vehicle they have 5 or 6 already way to many for a city this size , And the DPW has more equipment than the City of Grand Rapids, But when it comes to addressing our needs forget about it!

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