The Wayland City Council Monday night learned that the city will receive a $450,000 Michigan Department of Transportation Grant to resurface West Superior Street to Reno Drive.

City Engineer Mickey Bittner said the project, which tentatively is scheduled to start Oct. 1, 2026, also includes installation of a new traffic light at the corner of West Superior and Reno, with new electric timing for northbound Reno traffic and vehicles on West Superior.
Bittner also told council that the current resurfacing and paving project for four streets on the northwest side of town is proceeding apace. The underground work has been completed and the city learned that it will get back $59,005.10 because the costs were overestimated.
However, the city must reimburse residents at 226 W. Elm St. for plumbing expenses on replacing water mains.
The construction projects have created traffic challenges on Mill, Elm, Park and Church streets. Bittner said the paving is complete on Mill Street and partially done on Park, but the other two still have a lot of work to be done.
He added that residents’ complaint have been minimal and some have said the Brenner Construction workers, “have been pleasant and accommodating.”
In other business at Monday night’s meeting, the council”:

- Agreed to pay a $2,000 one-time stipend to deputy Clerk Joyce Jenkins for the extra work she has turned in during the early voting period while Clerk Leanne Clausen is recuperating. Jenkins said, “You can’t do this without great people surrounding you,” singling out the help of Nan Only.
- Approved the low bid from Marks’ Body Shop to providing new equipment on a patrol vehicle.
- Authorized acting City Manager Jae Guetschow to sell some surplus equipment for the high bid of $7,775. Also approved was an agreement to terminate the contract with the acting city manager after three months because new City Manager Erik Wilson starts duties next week. “I appreciated the opportunity to serve here,” he said.
- Was told by Jenkins that 752 citizens took advantage of early voting or mail-in balloting before Tuesday’s regular Election Day.
- Learned from acting Fire Chief Lt. Jeff Smith that the department has received a slight increase in employment applications from this time last year. Smith also said the department was awarded a grant of $700 to purchase new traffic cones.
- Approved the hire of Clark Technologies for a three-month contract of $500 a month.
- Was told by Police Chief Scott Lattice that his department has addled 3,037 calls, most of them medical-related, thus far this year, a slight increase over a year ago.
- Approved the low bid for the purchase of eight rifle replacements for the police department.
Can something be done at the intersection of Superior and the HS driveway. Especially in winter months (but applies all throughout the school year) the traffic in the morning is a cluster. It’s very dangerous for cars leaving the school and trying to turn left (westbound) and cars traveling westbound trying to turn left in to the school drive. Then add the occasional student walking or biking and it becomes dangerous. A roundabout would work well at this location. At least a signal to control traffic would be welcomed.