The Leighton Township Board Thursday evening heard several complaints about excessive speeds by motorists along Round Lake Drive.

Diana Moore told the board some cars, Rangers and even golf carts are driving way too fast in the resident area around Round Lake and said its difficult for residents in the neighborhood to ensure their safety.

“They (the offending motorists) don’t care about speed signs,” she said. “They couldn’t care less. It’s gotten out of control.”

Her comments were echoed Mark Bartholomew and a couple other residents.

Moore suggested installation os speed humps, which are smaller than speed bumps, in the area.

Supervisor Steve Deer promised to pass along the complaints to Allegan County Sheriff’s deputies who cover the area.

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the board:

• Approved the annual contract gravel with the Allegan County Road Commission at the same price as last year.

• Noted there soon may be a public hearing on phases four and five of the Paris Ridge Subdivision construction project.

• Approved the promotion of Scott Glupker to lieutenant on the Leighton Township Fire Department.

• Was asked by a resident if it would consider crafting a solicitation ordinance like Dorr Township does in requiring all who solicit door-to-door register with the township offices.

• Approved hiring Brian Clay as assistant assessor at a pay rate of $15 per hour.

• Was told there have been 20 building permits issued in the first six month of this year at a value of $6.8 million. The number of permits is only slightly less than the same time last year.

1 Comment

Mike Williams
July 15, 2018
Where are the police??? Never where they should be , that's for sure.

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