Keith Nickels
Josh Otto

EDITOR’S NOTE: The story published Tuesday evening about the odd-shaped parcel bought by Josh Otto and Keith Nickels was misleading.

Heather Mitchell of Professional Code Inspections has reported there was a misunderstanding in interpreting an e-mail Otto sent her Tuesday.

“When I read through the email I mentioned apartment and pictures, but I didn’t do a good job of separating the two. I haven’t received pictures or drawing of apartments. They haven’t made a decision on what the development would be IF it is rezoned to PERC.”

Mitchell told the Wayland City Planning Commission Tuesday evening that Otto had contacted her and provided drawings of apartments. Otto and Nickels, both Wayland High School graduates, until Tuesday had not disclosed their plans for the parcel. Apparently plans still remain a mystery.

The Wayland City Council last fall adopted an ordinance approving a text amendment for the property to permit a mixed use (PERC, Planned Enterprise Residential Cluster zoning designation) or the odd-shaped site in the industrial park at 1121 133rd Ave. near Reno Drive

Some local businessmen have been critical of the city’s sale, for just $20,000, insisting the price was far too cheap and others were not allowed to bid on the property. City officials have maintained the site has been for sale for nearly 20 years with no takers, except for one deal that fell through with a firm from Portage.

Bruce Schwartz, one of the businessmen who has been critical of the deal, reminded officials that the developers still will have to ask the City Council for rezoning before proceeding. Schwartz also asked if the property was being taxed according to the $20,000 sale price.

Otto replied that it is being taxed at half the assessed value of $850,000.

City Manager Josh Eggleston Tuesday night confirmed that Otto and Nickels would need to secure rezoning if they continue with plans for building apartments.


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