The Dorr Township Board Thursday night voted narrowly, 4-3, to fast track a rezoning request to make way for a combination auto salvage yard and on-line sales business just east of the U.S.-131 expressway on 142nd Avenue.

The Planning Commission Tuesday night recommended on a 6-0 vote to rezone the 77.64-acre parcel near the water tower from Agricultural/Industrial to Mixed Use Planned Unit Development. The Township board followed suit two days later, pave the way for Copart to establish a business that its officials insist is different than the eyesore that often is a salvage yard.

Copart representatives said the vehicles brought into its parking lot are on site an average of 60 to 90 days while awaiting being sold over the Internet. Furthermore, they said the vehicles will be hidden from public view by an eight-foot-high steel fence.

The Planning Commission insisted Copart comply with regulations established by the Allegan County Road Commission, Health Department and Drain Commission. Commissioners approved the site plan and special use permit to allow for Internet sales.

Township Clerk Debbie Sewers and Trustee John Tuinstra led the charge against approval Thursday night.

“I got this less than 48 hours ago (before the board meeting and I want to review it. I don’t feel prepared (to vote on the rezoning question).”

Trustee Chandler Stanton, who has expressed reservations about the project, said, “Our citizens deserve more than two days (to comment on the proposal). I think we’re doing a grave disservice to them.”

But Supervisor Jeff Miling said the request was thoroughly reviewed by the Planning Commission and the public hearing already was held Tuesday evening, with none of the commissioners objecting.

Stanton, Tuinstra and Sewers all voted to postpone the matter until the April meeting. But Miling was joined by Trustee Dan Weber, Treasurer Myrna Marr and Trustee Pat Champions in voting to call the question that evening.

The same foursome then voted to approve the recommendation of the Planning Commission to support rezoning.

The same 4-3 split was revealed later in the meeting when Miling brought up the question of giving maintenance worker Ed Justice a raise, from $15.24 to $16.50 an hour. The supervisor said the raise was requested last fall, but wasn’t brought to the board until now.

Sewers objected, saying the board should postpone the raise and take up the issue in April’s meeting for all hourly employees.

“I don’t think you can give just one employee a raise,” she contended.

But her motion to postpone was defeated by Miling, Champion, Marr and Weber, and Tuinstra and Stanton then joined the majority in a 6-1 vote to award the increase.

In other business Thursday night, the Township Board:

  • Unanimously agreed to increase the pay of Fire Chief Gary Fordham from $9,500 to $11,000 annually, deputy chief from $2500 to $3000, captain from $2000 to $2500, first and second lieutenants from $1500 to $1750, safety officer from $750 to $1000, training officer from $250 to $300, medical officer/fire safety coordinator from $400 to $500, and hourly rate of firefighters from $21 to $22 per hour.
  • Approved the purchase of a new John Deere skid steer for $27,500 to run the brush hog.
  • Approved joining the Interurban River to River Trail and will appoint a Township Board members and a Parks Commission member to serve with the group.
  • Was told by Fordham that the fire department is still very busy, answering 38 calls in the first two months, as compared with 22 at this time a year ago. He added that he expects the new grass truck to be up and running by early next month.


Harry Smit
March 19, 2021
Fast tracked....that was "warp speed"....makes one think something just may not be correct. Remember when everyone thought the " good old boys" fast tracked "pet projects ". This "new board" has put a new meaning to fast tracking an issue. Fasten your seat belts things should get interesting real soon.
John Wilkens
March 19, 2021
Makes one wonder how much "hush" money was distributed... How in the world was due diligence done in 48 hours? Yet another example of this board not caring about its residents... Frontier Truck Parts, LKQ Salvage, now Copart Salvage yard. Dorr Township, the dumping grounds for junk. Great job guys! Cheers!
Concerned Citizen
March 19, 2021
Exactly my thoughts. Thank you to the 3 board members (Sewers, Stanton and Tuinstra) who do care enough to want to take the time to make a well informed decision. Unfortunately this does have the stink of greased palms. I wonder who owns this parcel of land and who stands to benefit from this new venture.
Another Concerned Citizen
March 20, 2021
Is nobody concerned about putting a salvage/junkyard next to the water tower? This is the water source for hundreds of citizens including, I believe, the Christian School in Moline. How can we not be concerned about contamination of the well beneath it and wells in the vicinity? Have we learned nothing from Wolverine by Rockford? This seems to be terribly short sighted.

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