Corrections needed on residential project size

Corrections needed on residential project size

To the editor:

We appreciate your coverage of the recent Wayland City Council discussion regarding Gun Lake Investments’ proposed development at Reno Drive and West Superior Street. However, we would like to request a correction regarding a key factual inaccuracy in the article titled “City Shoots Down Housing Plans for Now.”

The article states, “The proposal originally was for 130 residential units. This time it was 58 units on 2,600 square feet of property in the 10,000 square foot empty lot.” This is inaccurate in several respects. The proposed development site is 4.39 acres, not a 10,000 square foot lot. Additionally, the 2,600 square feet referenced in the article pertains to planned commercial and retail space, not the residential portion of the project.

Accurate reporting is essential for informed public discussion, and we would appreciate a correction to reflect the actual scope of the project. Please let us know if we can provide any additional details or clarification!

Again, we truly appreciate your coverage of this project, which we believe will be a great benefit to the community,

Jordan Comer

Communications Coordinator, Gun Lake Investments


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