The Wayland City Council Tuesday night agreed to continue with a traffic study for a light at the corner of Wildcat Drive and East Superior Street near the high school and middle school.
City Manager Josh Eggleston said the study eventually could cost as much as $10,000 and council members indicated they don’t have a problem with it if Wayland Union Schools share the price tag.
“It’s a matter of convenience,” said Councilman Joe Kramer. “There is not a lot of traffic accidents there.”
However, Wayland Schools Supt. Norm Taylor said recent growth has made a traffic light mornings and afternoons more necessary.
“The situation there has gotten worse this year because we added the sixth grade to the middle school. We now have much greater car volume with parents dropping off and pickup their students.”
It was estimated that traffic backups cost motorists as much as 20 minutes each weekday morning and another 20 minutes during the afternoons.
Councilman Rick Mathis said he’s not fond of the idea, saying, “The cost for that should be borne completely by the schools. I don’t think I’m for this.”
Kramer then said, “If the schools are willing to share the costs of the study, I think it would be more reasonable.”
Councilman Tim Rose, who also is a school bus driver, said, “This (light) isn’t going to be used a lot during the day, but personally I’d like to see the study done.”
Eggleston indicated the real problem may come later because eventual installation of a traffic light could cost as much as $200,000, causing search for grants for funding.
- Approved the appointment of Anthony Winters to the Downtown Development Authority. Winters, who is very busy with the Four One Two restaurant, formerly Jayda Gale, was characterized as someone who will bring the DDA a lot of energy.
- Was told the Main Street program seriously is considering changing the date of the annual local festival from late July to early June, just before schools let out.
If we add a traffic light, are we going to add some police to watch another light that no one stops for? WE need better policing of this town and have the laws enforced. (Example: parking all night on the street and other traffic violations that go unticketed). we need more police and better enforceful of the traffic laws. ENFORCE THE LAW LAWS!
$10.000 to count cars watch wait times. What a waste. Twenty minutes big deal. I remember when the city spent $20.000 for a survey to see if city employees were paid the same as other city employees. Almost twice as much as raises then given later.