A request for an easement from a major utility company customarily is a routine item at a municipal meeting, but not so for the Wayland City Council Monday evening.

Consumers Energy representative Michael Milbury asked for the city’s blessing for an easement at property near the skate park for work upgrades on the electrical substation. The cost for Consumers would be $1,000 per parcel and the easement would be in perpetuity.

Councilmen Rick Mathis, Joe Kramer and Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Antel raised concerns.

Mathis pointed out, “If we (the city) decide to sell that property it would go to the new owner.”

Milbury said the easement would be only for the process of working at the site.

Antel pressed him on the payment in perpetuity, nothing the people working on the trails must pay $1,000 per year per mile rather than fork over a one-time payment. She said it doesn’t seem fair.

Milbury replied that the easement would enable Consumer Energy to better provide a community service, “to provide consistent and reliable electric service to the people.”

Kramer said he lives along the interurban on the south side of the city and Consumers Energy damaged his property doing some work, so he’d like to see some guarantee that residents be reimbursed and property be restored if such issues arise again.

Milbury said that could be arranged, but, “Consumers Energy doesn’t have that kind of crew to do that kind of work.”

He acknowledged that the utility’s policy is to clear cut 40 feet either side of the center of the poles.

Anne Tatreaux

Council unanimously voted to table the request for further discussion.

In other business at the meeting Monday night, the council:

  • Approved the appointment of Ann Tatreau to the Planning Commission to fill out the remainder of a vacancy left by the resignation of Ryan Martin.

Mayor Tim Bala explained, “He (Martin) is taking over the family business and his work load is way too much.”

The appointment will not be effective until Martin’s written resignation is signed.

Tatreau is manager of EVS & Regulatory Compliance at Holland Home.

  • Was told by intern Katie Beemer that she is putting together a survey seeking opinions from residents on what they’d like to see if a recreation grant can be secured from the State of Michigan. She added that she plans to distribute surveys to students in elementaries, the middle school and high school.
  • Learned from City Manager Josh Eggleston that work has begun on the overpass on U.S.-131 exit at the Gun Lake Casino. He said rerouted traffic is encouraged along Reno Drive then south to old U.S-131 to avoid semi-trucks having to make wide turns at the traffic light on Superior and Main.

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