Rob Sarro

After the Martin Township Board last month adopted a resolution opposing the proposed relocation of the offices of treasurer, drain commissioner and register of deeds, Allegan County Administrator Rob Sarro paid a visit at Wednesday night’s meeting.

Sarro was present to try to explain the plans to moves the three offices and 18 employees away from the downtown county building to the Dumont Lake facility between three and five miles outside of town. He asked Township Board members why they objected.

Township Clerk Rachelle Smit said it’s her understanding the officials involved in the proposed move are opposed.

Supervisor Glenn Leep said he didn’t think the plans showed a wise use of taxpayers’ money.

Sarro said the plans have a long history and the county has had public hearings on the proposal. He added that the addition of a Circuit Court judge is the precipitating cause because there isn’t enough room at the downtown building.

He added, “That (downtown) building needs to be justice based” because it already serves as the site of district and circuit court business.

Sarro also stressed that it isn’t true that the office of county clerk will be moved to Dumont Lake, noting that one of the clerk’s office functions is to handle records of court cases.

He added that Allegan city officials have indicated they don’t want county government to expand its presence in the downtown, rather they would like to see more tax revenue-generated residences and businesses in the city.

Dumont Lake already is home to county services, such as the jail, and it has 22,000 acres of taxpayer-owned property that probably should be put to use.

The Township Board took no action except thanking the county administrator for providing the explanations.

In other business at Wednesday night’s meeting, the Township Board:

  • Agreed to allow Martin schools and the Clippers Cafe to move overflow spaghetti dinner customers Friday to the township hall gratis between 4 and 9 p.m. Clippers Cafe is having the dinner as a fund-raising effort to enable the football team, band members and cheerleaders to take a bus trip to the Superior Dome in Marquette for the state finals if they beat Brown City this Saturday afternoon.
  • Was told by Smit that she plans officially to resign at the end of next month to take her post as new state representative in Lansing. The board will point her successor after her resignation.
  • Accepted the low bid of $33,405 from Wyoming Asphalt to pave a cemetery driveway before next Memorial Day.
  • Adopted a resolution opposing continuation of a customized Allegan County 911 pilot program for a pre-alert trial period.


Christine G Anderson
November 9, 2022
33 million to pave a driveway? ?
November 10, 2022
Pesky typos!

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