Allegan County Commission candidate Austin Marsman today issued a challenge to Allegan County Prosecutor Myrene Koch not to prosecute any one for seeking or helping to seek an abortion in the wake of new this week of the U.S. Supreme Court contemplating overturning Roe vs. Wade.
“I call on Myrene Koch Allegan County Prosecutor to join her colleagues in pledging not to prosecute abortions if #Roe is overturned,” he posted today on Facebook.
Marsman, a graduate of Martin High School and Martin Board of Education member, cited an article about seven county prosecutors in the state, in which it was said, “Michigan’s anti-abortion statutes were written and passed in 1931. There were no women serving in the Michigan legislature. Those archaic statutes are unconstitutionally and dangerously vague, leaving open the potential for criminalizing doctors, nurses, anesthetists, health care providers, office receptionists — virtually anyone who either performs or assists in performing these medical procedures. Even the patient herself could face criminal liability under these statutes.”
Marsman maintained that If Roe (the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decisiuon legalizing abortion in all 50 states) is overturned, women in Allegan County will die and thousands will no longer have the right to make their own medical decisions.
“In the absence of comprehensive, current statewide or federal legislation, I am supporting the Reproductive Freedom Ballot Initiative here in Michigan,” Marsman said. “It would enshrine reproductive rights in our state constitution.”
The seven county prosecutors who have said they won’t prosecute abortion seekers or providers are Oakland County’s Karen McDonald, Ingham County’s Carol Siemon, Washtenaw County’s Eli Savit, Genesee County’s David Leyton, Wayne County’s Kym Worthy, Marquette County’s Matthew Wiese, and Kalamazoo County’s Jeffrey Getting.
Observers do not expect Koch to join the seven because they view her as a loyal Republican and friend of the pro-life movement.
That’s a bummer. I kind of liked Austin the first time I met him, and probably would have voted for him. I’m glad I saw this now. Right is right regardless of what gender I am, and wrong is wrong regardless of what gender I am.
Besides, I thought we were doing away with the whole gender business…
This young man hopefully is thanking his mother everyday, that she never thought of aborting him. He could very well been one of the millions aborted.
Hopefully, he never has to learn he has “fathered” a child with a disability, and the mother wants it aborted.
Is it possible the fears of our forefathers stating that some day the young and the aged will be put to death . Since the young generation of today have forgotten the value of life.
Sadly it looks like it…..
I applaud your having the courage to post your feelings on the abortion issue. This is something that never should have become a Republican/Democrat tug of war in the first place.
Wishing your the very best in your political career!
Since when are prosecutors and attorney generals allowed to pick and choose which laws they want to enforce? A law is a law, regardless of what year it was written. Does this mean I get to pick and choose which laws I want to obey?
Thank you Austin! The fact that you were willing to show your feelings and opinion on this issue has been very helpful to me to make my decision when it comes to my choice for county commissioner. Sorry man, you lost me!
So thankful that Mr Marsman showed us his progressive liberal position, this will be helpful at the polls. Unlike Mr Upton who hid behind the Republican Party and voted very moderate sometimes very liberal.
A young man with potential, but then selects hills to die on that matter little to Democrats as in life of the unborn. Please do something productive with your life and drop politics, you seem like a smart young man.
As I observe, I find it interesting that many of those who have sexual proclivities that void production of children are so pasionate about abortions. The Red Squirrel chasing the Fox Squirrel in the woods comes to mind.