The Wishbone Pet Rescue Alliance is protesting the Allegan County Board of Commissioners’ decision to sever ties between the alliance at the animal shelter.
County officials notified Wishbone they would not the three-year contract to manage the shelter, ending a 14-year management relationship. The current contract expires Dec. 31.
“We believe this decision is driven partly because of the number of dogs and cats we house at the shelter, originally designed by the county for short-term dog housing and not in support of our mission to save and rehome as many dogs and cats as possible,” Wishbone officials reported in a letter to the community.
“We are, of course, disappointed with this decision and are heartbroken that we will no longer be responsible for the care and welfare of these most deserving and vulnerable animals. We are very proud of our success over the past years in increasing adoptions, improving the welfare of shelter animals, and bringing the shelter to its current no-kill status.”
So Wishbone is reaching out to the community “to assure our friends, volunteers, and donors that Wishbone is not going away. Our mission is to alleviate the pain and suffering of homeless pets by providing shelter and veterinary care and to ultimately secure permanent, loving homes for animals in need remains the same.”
Wishbone is working on a transition plan with the county to assume full shelter operations and management responsibility.
“Our greatest fear is that the county will no longer maintain the shelter’s no-kill commitment and will have a different level of dedication to finding loving homes for the animals,” Wishbone officials wrote. “Additionally, their stated direction to no longer take in or support cats raises additional concerns. “
Wishbone is urging county residents to contact their commissioner to say they believe in maintaining a no-kill status at the shelter and support all that Wishbone has accomplished since assuming the shelter management role in 2010.
The link, Allegan County Commissioners is recommended for use.
“We ask that you please continue to support Wishbone financially as you have in the past,” the letter continued. “As this situation progresses, we will keep our friends informed of our status and ways we can continue to partner with the county to improve the lives of the animals.
“We want to assure you that Wishbone is not going away. We remain committed to our mission and intend to continue to provide assistance to the animal shelter to ensure the best care possible for the animals in need. We also remain committed to Wishbone’s cat adoption and resale center in Douglas, MI, and the Spay & Neuter campaign just launched last week.”