It was almost three years ago that the Martin Township Board voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance forbidding marijuana to be exchanged in downtown Shelbyville.

It was virtually deja vu all over again Wednesday night when the board decided to have its township attorney craft an ordinance to prohibit the sale of marijuana at any local business or establishment, despite the fact Michigan voters a week earlier approved a state-wide ballot issue legalizing recreational pot.

Martin Township battled Jerry Dan Patrick after he opened a marijuana paraphernalia shop in Shelbyville that permitted the exchange of marijuana on the premises. This despite perhaps massive attendance at a public hearing and despite the Township Planning Commission voting 4-2 against drawing up the ordinance.

It was in January 2016 that the board unanimously voted to overturn the Planning Commission’s recommendation.

The recreational marijuana proposal allows individuals to grow up to 12 plants for their own use, but leaves it up to local units of government as to whether to permit businesses to sell the substance.

Perhaps speaking for the other township officials, Clerk Rachelle Smit said, “We went through this a couple of years ago. Why would we change it (the prohibition)?”

In other business at Wednesday night’s meeting, the Township Board:

• Had another discussion about its disagreements with the Allegan County Road Commission on how to deal with dirt and gravel roads.

Keith Smit, a citizen, prompted the discussion by asking the board what it could about the sorry state of local roads. His chief complaint was about the lack of drainage ditches, causing too many roads to be plagued by high water on the side.

“When we get a hard rain, water washes down to the sides,” he explained. “It’s been this way for as long as I can remember… I don’t have any answers myself, but I’d like to see something done to get the water off the side of the roads.”

Supervisor Glenn Leep replied, “We’ve been here before. We’ve talked about it and talked about it.”

Leep said the Road Commission has a different philosophy about handling the roads and it controls what is to be done about them. He added that it’s his personal belief that a double chip seal would work best.

• Further discussed plans for expansion of the township hall to create more space for the clerk’s and treasurer’s offices.

• Agreed to ask Bruce Tiemeyer, Jody Gilson and Don Diekema if they’re willing to serve two more years on the Board of Review after seeing no indications of interest from anyone else.

• Noted the three-year terms of Kevin DeKeokkeok and Vince Tuinstra on the Planning Commission expire at the end of this year.

• Was told by Leep that Martin Township may seek a way to expand the new East Martin Cemetery to better accommodate requests for gravesites.

• Approved the snow plowing bid of DTW Services for $120 per time for the township hall and Wheeler Library and $70 for salting both.


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