by Amy Kerr Hardin

Following is an infographic from the White House outlining the rigorous (nine-part) screening process for refugees. If the Republican governors who wish to block refugee resettlement knew about this, they are guilty of intentionally misleading the public. If they were ignorant of the process, then their administrations are woefully incompetent to enjoin such a major public policy decision while lacking vital (and easily obtained) information. One or the other.

From the White House:

step 1

Step 2

step 3

step 4

step 5

step 6

step 7

step 8

step 9

While nothing is risk free, this certainly should reassure those supposedly skittish governors. It’s also worth asking, given the ready availability of this information, why did they jump to such wild conclusions if not for pure political theater?

1 Comment

Free Market Man
November 25, 2015
Why should this country ever take in refugees - they should be taken care of by their own country. They know nothing of this country and don't want to assimilate into our culture. They want to bring Syria to our homeland, practice their religion, and sharia law - in other words, Dearborn redux. Enclaves of Syrians not wanting to become citizens, like our families did when they came from the old country (wherever your family is from originally). There is nothing that says we must take any immigrants.

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