by Amy Kerr Hardin

When Michigan House RepresentAmy Kerr Hardinatives Todd Courser (R-Lapeer) and Cindy Gamrat (R-Plainwell) were caught having a little extra-curricular nakie tête-à-tête, it’s clear neither had fully thought through the consequences of their affair being discovered.

Courser’s first line of defense was to play the victim through a half-baked, self-generated email smear campaign claiming he’s a closeted “bi-sexual porn addicted sex deviant!” who was having some hot man-on-man action behind a Lansing nightclub. (Has he not heard the old maxim: It’s not the crime, it’s the coverup?)

Here’s the email he sent out last May in hopes it would “inoculate” Republicans from believing he and Gamrat were doin‘ the dirty:

Courser email 2As the story of his bizarre email scheme was about to break widely this week, Courser and Gamrat went into full-on-Plan-B-red-herring-mode pitching a Facebook conniption fit over the ethics of Michigan Planned Parenthood, with some fabricated baby parts thrown in for good measure. Nearly simultaneously they took to the war path on social media over the state’s baby-hacking “butchers.”

Additionally, both schemed-up legislative solutions to a problem that simply doesn’t exist. As widely reported, Michigan’s Planned Parenthood does not participate in supplying fetal tissue for research, but that didn’t stop the Courser-Gamrat dirty duo from attempting to deflect their own naughtiness with a little manufactured outrage for public consumption.

After all, if the story were true, dismembered babies would certainly be worse than having an illicit affair. And, it would trump Courser’s cockamamie sex addict ploy.

So, in an effort to distract the public from his wretched dissemblance, Courser became quite suddenly hell bent on proposing another TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers) law in Michigan. He wants to see every abortion fully documented down to the last detail, including a revisit to the vaginal probe requirement. But, believe it or not, that’s the least invasive of his long list of demands. Courser wants an inspector to be present during the full procedure, close-up and personal, to document the entire process, including extensive photographic record of every step — with photos of the fetal remains in the same frame as all those present, medical personnel included.

Courser slaughter house remark

Gamrat’s tirade was equally whacky.

Gamrat Facebook post

She finished her windy rant with this gruesome flight of fancy:

… [I]t is clear to me that dismembering babies and harvesting their body parts is not women’s health care. In addition, cutting off the limbs and crushing the skulls of little baby girls who are in the womb, is certainly not health care for them.

If Planned Parenthood really wanted to provide women’s health care services, they can continue to provide heath care services to women, however, if they want to receive tax payer dollars, then they need to get out of the business of dismembering babies and harvesting and selling their organs for financial gain.

These two are beyond delusional if they think constituents and media will be so easily distracted from their personal wrongdoing. Time for the Courser-Gamrat twosome to throw in the towel, they don’t belong in Lansing.

Democracy Tree will leave its readers with this little ditty to the dirty duo found in a comment on MLive:

MLive poem

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