by Amy Kerr Hardin

Trump voters, while not an entirely monolithic group, do share certain commonalities — among them are an acceptance of racism, hatred, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, among a host of other deplorable traits.


Trump swag vendor. Source: NYT video still

Additionally, it can be argued that this basket of demographics is noticeably lacking in the department of intellectual dexterity. Rust Belt, Deep South, Evangelical — all to the last one are rigid of mind and impervious to reason. There is little point in the Democratic Party attempting to engage them in “conversation” — as so many have suggested was the missing ingredient in this electoral cycle.

On last Friday’s “domestic news roundup” of The Diane Rehm Show, CBS White House correspondent Major Garrett spoke about the utter futility of pressing Trump supporters with actual facts. He explained that while working the campaign trail, they behaved exactly as conspiracy theorists categorically do — any challenge to their beliefs led to a deeper conviction and embrace of their dearly-held falsehoods:

“Any fact checking I did for them, or for many of them, was prima facie evidence that I was biased. And that I was wrong. So fact checking Trump was proof, not that he was wrong, but that he was right, and that anyone who would raise a question about the underlying relationship between what he said in the facts was biased.”

Democrats are not immune to harboring their own strained, yet quixotic, version of reality. They have a long and storied history of believing that if they just explain things slowly and simply enough, the electorate will understand — because surely good sense will prevail. After all, they are the party of inclusion — ever so nice and always politically correct, tolerant of other people, even with those whose ideas and “values” are an abomination to this great democracy, and to humanity as a whole.

This is exactly why the far right heaps ridicule on progressives. They laugh at them.

Democrats need a new playbook.

Stop coddling and cajoling those who deal in the currency of hate speech. Even if only by proxy, all Trump voters struck that Faustian bargain.

You can’t fix stupid, nor can you fix mean, and there’s plenty of the latter among the Trump crowd.

We hear reports daily of people feeling emboldened by Trump’s acrimonious rhetoric — and them subsequently paying the price for publicly parroting their chosen leader. Here’s a short list from recent news:

It is imperative that every puAmy Kerr Hardinblic display of hate be called out for what it is, and punished accordingly.

Another frontline war of words that needs to be fully engaged is in the media. They must call lies for what they are, and name the monsters for who they are — white supremacists, fascists, nazis, KKK members. It’s not the “alt-right.” The Associated Press has instructed journalists to use the term cautiously and within very specific parameters — with quotation marks, and the qualification that the title is “self-described.” They offer this advice to reporters:

“We should not limit ourselves to letting such groups define themselves, and instead should report their actions, associations, history and positions to reveal their actual beliefs and philosophy, as well as how others see them.”

Google Chrome now offers an extension to users which will automatically convert the term “alt-right” to a more accurate moniker: “white supremacy.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center held a press conference this week focusing on the proliferation of hate crimes and speech since the election, noting that all too many of these events are occurring in academic settings — children acting-out on what they hear at home. The SPLC made a largely symbolic plea for Mr. Trump to denounce these acts of hate, and to apologize for his role in fostering the vile behavior.

Sadly, our soon-to-be sworn in president is more focused on an imaginary epidemic of flag burning, and on how he’s being lampooned in the most recent SNL skit.

True patriots have a job to do. At every turn, and in every dark corner, Americans must shine a light on the ugliness, expose it, and eliminate it from our culture.


Robert M Traxler
December 2, 2016
Ms. Hardin stated, “Trump voters, while not an entirely monolithic group, do share certain commonalities — among them are an acceptance of racism, hatred, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, among a host of other deplorable traits”. Wow! And you wonder why you folks lost! Loathing 49% of the American people is a hell of a starting point to understand why you lost 32 state houses, 33 governorships, the House, Senate and Presidency. Never could understand how the loathing and prejudging of the folks in paragraph 1 above is not hate? Please inject any other group than Trump voters in your statement and see if it works. Please think it over; hate is hate even if it is politically correct hate. How do you judge the 8-12% of African Americans who voted for President Elect Trump? The women, LBGT, Hispanic folks who voted for Trump are also deplorable? Please keep this stuff up; we conservatives like being in the majority. As for the popular vote, Mr. Trump could or would have spent time in California or New York and increased the numbers if the total popular vote was the way we elect a President. Please keep in mind President Clinton got 43% popular vote and won, 6% less than Mr. Trump.
Free Market Man
December 2, 2016
Democrats have for the last 8 years:: Presided over a sick and sputtering economy. All by their design with more taxes and regulations. Gave us the greatest boondoggle in history in Obamacare. Encouraged millions to buy or lease new cars they couldn't afford with Cash for Clunkers. Bought GM and Chrysler with taxpayer money and robbed bondholders of their money, Presided over a VA that was unresponsive to our veterans and did nothing to improve it. Increased the national debt by more than double in 8 years, more that every administration combined before it. President Obama acted like a King with his "executive" orders with no opposition. Illegal immigration swelled under Obama and Democrat approval. This is just a small amount of the total number of the sins against the American people by Obama and the Democrats. And you wonder why Trump won? The only response you have is "white supremacists, fascists, nazis, KKK members"? Donald Trump has been a national figure for some time with an international business and reality show and was never, ever called a racist until he declared for the presidency. Why then - because the Democrats have to attack any and all Republicans running for the White House and the most vile, immediate, and lasting effect is to call someone a racist. The public is onto your vile ways. Find another playbook. Get a candidate that can relate to the public, not someone like the deplorable, unethical, unpatriotic, and treasonous Hillary Clinton. She wasn't likable, nobody with any sense could relate to her or her ideas. Just another Obama Democrat and the public was fed up. You lost, Trump won, game over. Get used to it. Better luck next time with another loser. Merry Christmas! (notice I didn't say "Happy Holidays")
Dave Gless
December 4, 2016
I love reading comments from you two, I'm just sorry Mr. Ranger Rick didn't chime in with his view of the "truth."
December 8, 2016
Ooh, I think you stung those boys a little. Even Free Market Man weighed in. He's not had much to say about free markets, since Trump's 35% tariff talk. Major Garrett had it right, and so do you.
Bob Moras
December 8, 2016
Absolutely amazing!! So, all those that voted for Obama, not once, but twice, have now become misogynist, racial bigots, because they voted for Trump. Talk about a "Straw Man" (or woman), this article is the epitome. Is it so very hard to believe that many viewed the direction of the country as heading toward a decline under leadership by the Democratic Party (78% was the last number I remember reading)? I guess it must be, as the name calling and excuses for the election results continue. Face and accept it. Hillary was dishonest to a greater degree than Trump. Hillary was touting an agenda/platform that citizens found lacking. And finally, she lost the election. No amount of name calling and/or excuse proffering will change that. Let us hope for the best and forget the rest.

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