ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article. It is an editorial by the editor.

I was astonished this weekend to learn that eight states in the U.S., Arkansas, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, South Carolina, North Dakota. Iowa and Nebraska, are not under government orders to practice sheltering in place procedures because of the Coronavirus pandemic.

The eight governors, all Republicans, essentially have said it’s not the government’s place to tell citizens they must stay home during a deadly health crisis. Forget about insisting people using their best coping mechanism to slow or halt the spread of the disease. Wyoming’s governor offered the taunt that he wasn’t going to agree and ask “Mother may I?”

I was even more astonished to learn that Democrats have decided to proceed with the presidential primary election in Wisconsin Tuesday, despite the very real possibility of putting voters, clerks and poll workers at risk of catching and spreading a deadly disease.

It is alarming that government officials aren’t taking this pandemic seriously enough to implement procedures recommended by medical experts on behalf of the public health and welfare.

President Donald Trump was excoriated rightly not long ago for suggesting America get back to work as early as Easter Sunday. Critics maintained his plan would be wildly irresponsible and make the pandemic worse, all in the name of money and goosing the stock market.

Yet Democrats, including presumptive presidential nominee Joe Biden, have indicated they don’t have a problem with going ahead with a primary election that invites people into a closed space to wait in line and cast ballots for an election that very easily could have been postponed. Fifteen other states have already done so.

I wouldn’t mind so much if there was a better effort at mail-in voting, which perhaps is a better idea in normal times as well. Oregon has the highest voting percentage in the nation using that system and the evidence of vote fraud is extremely low. The health risk is low as well.

I hear tell about 7,000 prospective poll workers have indicated they won’t show up at the Wisconsin election sites, not being willing to risk their lives to provide a poorly paid public service. I stand with them. And so should the Democratic Party.

It’s like both parties are demonstrating a callous disregard for the health, safety and welfare of the general public, whether it’s for money or to solidify the process already under way in choosing Biden to take on Trump in November.

This is horribly disappointing that both parties want to conduct business as usual in a critical period that is unprecedented in our history.

We have eight red states with leaders thumbing their noses at advice from experts such as Dr. Anthony Fouci. Then we have a pseudo-blue state doing the same, yet its officials insist they care about the plight of the working people in this country.

The comedian George Carlin once told us, “They don’t care about you… they don’t give a f%ck about you… at all.” It isn’t funny any more.

A more appropriate and sad quote would be from the Supremes and the Vanilla Fudge: “And there ain’t nothin’ I can do about it.”


Lynn Mandaville
April 4, 2020
It is appalling, the total lack of leadership from the office of the president. He is so busy waffling among being cute-sie about the corona virus and indignant about how poorly he has been treated by the press and behaving like a spoiled brat of a baby about their questioning that he has no time or brain power left to plumb the depths of his intellect and show some guts and gumption like the governor of New York. I find it terribly sad that Trump has squandered so many opportunities to make a difference as a positive role model. He could have stepped up so many times to the hardships we've faced during his first term and left a legacy everyone could be proud of. Instead, he will be remembered for all the times he took the low road and wasted a once-in-a-lifetime chance to be someone worthwhile.
John Wilkens
April 4, 2020
Two weeks ago, your words: "I choose to set aside my animosities in favor of regaining the post-911 unity America once enjoyed. I may object to our president, but he and I are in this together, as are we all." Interesting how things change............ Cheers!!
Lynn Mandaville
April 5, 2020
Yep, it's amazing how he can push my buttons in spite of my best intentions. Peace and health.
April 5, 2020
The same governor of New York that was praising the President's response? Or maybe it was the governor of California? Or perhaps it was the exalted Dr Fauci? Speaking of someone being remembered for taking the low road, a pot and kettle analogy comes to mind.
April 5, 2020
Re: Wisconsin primary, the Democratic governor has pleaded with the republican legislature to use the mail for the vote. They refuse. Get the real facts.
April 5, 2020
It probably would have been better for Congress to have taken heed of the testimony and advice of epidemiologists over the past 20+ years and focused on making sure we were prepared for a pandemic and investing in universal vaccine research. Instead, because Congress wasn't looking, an 11.5 billion dollar a year Federal Government department with "Disease Control" in its name failed miserably in its #1 priority. It should be it's only priority, but it isn't. Instead they focused on fake investigation nothingburgers and how best to exploit and foster divisions between constituents to their own advantage. As a result we will now suffer epic damage to our economy and nation. America needs to wake up and hold the bureaucrats and those elected accountable.

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