Anthony Winters on the job

Disc golf’s prospects in the City of Wayland are looking good.

The Wayland City Council Monday night gave its blessing to plans for a course outlined by community activist and local businessman Anthony Winters. His proposal is to use the former site of the dump on the south edge of the city off 133rd Avenue.

Councilman Rick Mathis said, “It (the course) would be on a piece of property that generally doesn’t have another use, and it might help bring in more revenue to the city.”

Winters said he has no plans to charge any fees to users, but agreed with Mathis that visitors to the city might avail themselves of local business services such as bars and restaurants.

“There’s a lot of people who travel to play disc golf,” Winter said. “It’ll be good to have them stop here.”

He acknowledged that a lot of cleanup will be necessary because the property was used many years ago as a landfill. Winters also noted some small trees will have to be removed.

However, he said he has at least 60 volunteers, disc golf enthusiasts, willing to get that job done.

“This will be a co-cost proposal for the city,” he promised, except perhaps a little help in moving a fence on the front part of the parcel, which spans about 17 acres, but only about nine and a half would be set aside for the course.

Winters concluded, “This will just add another sweet amenity to the City of Wayland.”

Council unanimously voted to allow Winters and his fellow enthusiasts to proceed with the project.


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