Martin Township officials are tryingcrash to figure out what to do in repairing and renovating the JC Wheeler Public Library building that was struck by a wayward motor vehicle last month.

There were reports a motorist had mechanical issues with the vehicle before it stuck the library building on 10th Street in the downtown area. As a result, the library had to be closed for a couple of days, but it’s now back in full operation.

Library Director Alice Kelsey told the Martin Township Board Wednesday night that the estimate of damage to contents was $2,840. She noted at least one of the chairs destroyed had been there for as long as the library.

Supervisor Glenn Leep said, “They’re probably going to have to redo the entire front of the building because they cannot match or replace the brick.”

Leep said there is $14,700 available now to handle costs for repairs and renovations, but final figures aren’t known yet because the insurance adjuster has not been to the library to survey the damage personally.

He said there have been discussions about cement siding used because it will last for a long time, but the substance is very expensive.

The board tabled any action on the matter until the insurance adjuster has had a chance to examine the damage and present more accurate figures.

PHOTO: This was the scene after the JC Wheeler Library building was struck by a wayward vehicle in downtown Martin. The library was closed for a couple of days, but it’s back open now. (Photo supplied)

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