To the editor:

Recently on my television (and my TV would never lie to me) told me all about the wonderful country music stars who will be performing at this year’s Allegan County Fair.

I have nothing against the dudes chosen. In fact, I am certain that every man among them is a bona fide crowd pleaser, grade A superstar, Patriot and a credit to his race.

But still my always infallible TV made not a mention of a single woman set to perform at the long esteemed ACF. Zero, zilch, nada, nyet, no women.

No tunes, no trills from the Dixie Chicks, nor the Corn Fed Girls, nor the Crane Wives. No Arriba for Reba, by golly what folly, not even Dolly. No Carter, Lambert, Lynn, Lee, Givens or Tucker.

Wassup with that, chicken plucker?

All of this makes me just a little bit curious as to who is doing the booking for performers at this year’s Allegan County Fair.

Perhaps the Taliban?

Just wondering, Bartle Bee

1 Comment

Don't Tread On Me
September 7, 2021
Yup, men only performers. Sue the Allegan County Fair Board for sexual discrimination! I'm sure the vast majority of fair goers agree... really, they don't give a flying pig's rear end! Don't like the performer line-up, don't go. Better yet, show up with 5-10 protesters with signs and call CNN, WOOD, WKZO, WZZM and you'll get more coverage than the acts on stage. Cheers!

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