To the editor:

I was totally surprised that Family Farm & Home had no mask requirements… most employees did not have one and those who did wore them on their neck.

I know everyone will say “shop elsewhere…” It’s hard to believe a corporation would not at least attempt to make an effort to show support for the community and the agriculture industry they claim to serve.

Yes, my money will go elsewhere,  even though I am not a mask supporter. I do try to follow the rules.

Harry Smit, Dorr

EDITOR’S NOTE: Family Farm & Home also was the subject of a complaint lodged by7 Jake Gless last month at a City Council meeting. I did not identify the business in the story, but now that there’s another similar complaint, I no longer will provide this courtesy


August 5, 2020
On this mask issue, during voting at Wayland Township offices Tuesday there were 2 pollster volunteers not wearing a mask. The building entrance door stated that masks were required to enter the building. I am aware that masks were not mandatory for voters, but I believe it is for the workers/volunteers. ??
Tom Miller
August 5, 2020
Not the only place ignoring mask and distancing mandates. Seems some local eateries don't enforce it as well as several farmer based business's. Been to several that have no mask wearing by employees and state that they are not needed. Looked at with a smirk at one when I came in wearing one at one place. My daughter's café is enforcing it and has lost a few customers because of it but most come with a mask after being told they must to be served. Many grumble about it though. Seems a very divisive thing for some reason. Voted yesterday at Leighton Library, all workers were wearing masks and all but one man voting were wearing masks. I do wonder why the Gov. said they were not required at the Polls when they are for all businesses.
August 7, 2020
From what I've heard the reason they weren't required at the polls was because it could be a possible can of worms of restricting people's rights to vote if they absolutely refuse/are unable to wear a mask. I am glad though that most reports seem to be that most people were still wearing masks to the polls though.
August 6, 2020
Thank you for identifying them. Now I know where to go to support a business that allowdso their customers decide what is best for them.

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