Legislators in Lansing are considering a dangerous proposal being pushed by utility companies that would increase electricity costs for Michigan families and businesses.     State Senator Mike Nofs and State Representative Aric Nesbitt are authors of the plan Letter to editor_8which would not only change the definition of “renewable” to suit their needs, but eliminate Michigan’s clean energy standards and increase costs.

Through energy efficiency programs, Michiganders have saved $4.2 billion over the past seven years. Michigan’s renewable energy standard also saves us money by increasing competition and spurring innovative new technologies – bringing down the cost of wind and solar, so they’re now the cheapest energy available.

Don’t be fooled by the ads you see on TV. The Nofs and Nesbitt plan will allow utilities to build unnecessary, expensive, profit-generating power plants and we’ll all be left with the bill.

I hope you join me in supporting increased renewable energy and energy efficiency standards which will hold the utilities accountable and save money for Michigan families and businesses.

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