ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.

One terrific example of fake news, or deliberately misappropriating history, is the pesky and persistent Facebook meme about Democrats being a more racist party than Republicans. What makes it live a longer than deserved life in pseudo-political cyberspace discourse is that it’s half true.

As a lifelong student of history who majored in the subject in college and who used it extensively almost daily as a journalist since then, I acknowledge that 150 years ago the Democratic Party indeed was racist. I offer no argument to the assertions of this meme that no Democrats supported the constitutional amendments to outlaw slavery and provide for equal rights under the law to African American men.

That was during the Civil War. That was then, this is now. If people can change, so can political parties.

Those who perpetuate this very misleading argument want the unwary reader to believe the same conditions hold true today. They seem to want their audience to believe nothing has changed, though nothing could be further than the truth.

The Republican Party, under Abraham Lincoln, was the one that freed the slaves, but since that noble act it has done very little on behalf of minorities. In fact, over time the GOP seems to have joined the other side.

To be sure, Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Era at the turn of the 20th century were still somewhat friendly to black people. One Republican, Senator Robert M. LaFollete of Wisconsin, was a genuine progressive. Furthermore, Woodrow Wilson was a horribly racist Democratic president and the party was overrun by the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s as badly as the GOP is overrun today by the Flat Earth Society Christian Right.

Things began to change with the presidential election of 1928, when Democrat Al Smith became the standard bearer despite the fact he was Catholic, much to the chagrin of the KKK. Things got even worse for Republicans in 1932 with the landslide victory of Franklin DeLeano Roosevelt in the midst of the Great Depression, and blacks began to see FDR’s policies as more palatable than that of Republicans, the party of business.

To be sure again, the South remained a Democratic stronghold for decades afterward. The private commentary in those days was, “The only people who vote Republican are ‘Ns’ and damn fools.” It was the Dems who perpetuated Jim Crow and “separate, but equal” drinking fountains.

We saw the last vestiges of the Solid Democratic South in the late 1960s and early 1970s with Gov. Lester Maddox of Georgia and Gov. George Wallace of Alabama.

The biggest turning point came in the presidential election of 1964, when the solid Democratic South flipped to the Republicans not long after Lyndon Johnson shepherded the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act into law. Johnson was rumored after its passage to have declared the Democratic Party would lose the South for a generation.

The GOP now dominates the South politically, and it has the upper hand in flyover America, in the breadbasket, in the Bible belt.

What happened over those 150 years was that the two parties switched sides on the issue of championing the rights of minorities and black people. The Republican Party, over that time became the party of business and old white men. The Democratic Party became the party of working people and unions.

Things have changed even further since then. The GOP has taken in the religious right since the late 1970s and the Dems have picked up a lot of Wall Street dollars, thanks to the Clintons and Barack Obama.

I’ve actually developed a disliking for both parties that play their self-serving roles in a rigged system against workaday stiffs. Through skillful marketing and advertising they can get the unwashed masses to be misled, distracted and manipulated via emotions. There are many times I want to shout, “A pox on both of your houses!”

But I’m sick and tired of misappropriating history to continue the myth, the fake news, that Democrats are still the party of the KKK while the GOP champions African Americans. It’s a baldfaced dirty lie.


dennis longstreet
October 21, 2018
Good article Dave . Lots of research. More than most writers do.
Don't Tread On Me
October 21, 2018
Your analysis of Democrats no longer the racist party is quite false. The "Great Society" program initiated by LBJ (for those of you unfamiliar with initials, they stand for President Lyndon Baines Johnson) with great Democrat support have essentially made many African-Americans dependent on government handouts, thus slavery minus the plantations, but "slavery" nonetheless. And if any African-American doesn't comport to the Democrat line and support and vote for the "D", they are called every epithet imaginable. Lincoln was a Republican and freed the slaves with the Emancipation Proclamation. The Democrats have been trying to say "me too" ever since, much to the black race disillusionment with the Democrats. You wonder why Trump won? Look at the amount of black votes he received! Along with people feeling the Democrats dodn't represent the working men and women of this country anymore. They've turned into the party of death (embracing abortion completely including birth by employing infanticide (plunging sissors into the skull and sucking out the brain to allow the head to collapse for easy extraction), disrespecting the Constitution, allowing and supporting open borders, adopting and supporting far leftist causes and lifestyles, and supporting mayhem in the streets by disrespecting law enforcement. Yes, the Democrats have led the downfall and malaise this country experienced under the Obama Adminisration. Elect Democrats again and expecting a better and differentresult... lunacy at its finest.
October 22, 2018
If one actually reads history its widely accepted among historians that in the post Antebellum South the plantation owners kept their power by keeping their land and hosting share croppers. The bankers returned, along with industrialists, in places like Bessemer AL (steel), ports for shipping etc. They were the donors for "Bourbon Democrats," who continued segregation by pitting poor whites against freed slaves. Generations later, those same Bourbon Democrats used integration of labor union plants to keep unions out of the Deep South. That's still effective today. Divide and conquer is part of the Trump2020 playbook. Could be why all mention of President Trump and the primary declaration of supporting President Trump 2020 have been wiped from John James TV ads and mailers. John James knows President Trump isn't going to add the block voters he needs to defeat Senator Debbie Stabenow. President Trump did 33% in 2016, better among black voters than Candidate Mitt Romney in 2012. Black voters make up 13% of the electorate. However Romney won 6% of the black vote in 2012 and President Trump won 8%. That means President Trump didn't win 92% of the black vote. No argument that President Trump won in 2016, but please don't try to say not getting the vote from 92% of black voters was a tipping point in the 2016 election.

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