ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” article, it is an editorial by the editor.
I hereby urge all local officials, institutions and businesses to refuse to allow State Rep. Steve Johnson passage into their buildings for reasons of public health.
As I have said so many times before, I have never seen Johnson wear a mask during these perilous times of Covid-19, despite virtually all health officials exhorting everybody to mask up and stay six feet apart. The reason is simple — the public health.
The statistics are getting more grim every day and some of the blame rests with people like Johnson, who is a scofflaw at best and something akin to Typhoid Mary everywhere he may go.
He apparently doesn’t buy into the advice from health professionals and apparently doesn’t believe the rules apply to him. He is special. He is selfish and doesn’t care about risks to your health. And as a state legislator, he gets around a lot, spreading his cheer and the virus.
I will once again publish the picture of him maskless in Harding’s Market earlier this year and I urge the good people at Harding’s and all other public places resolutely to refuse him entry into the grocery unless he is wearing a mask.
Earlier this week, Jon Oosting, a reporter with Bridge Magazine asked Johnson why he doesn’t wear a mask. His answer speaks volumes about his indifference and cluelessness..
“I’m just fine. I have no symptoms, and if you were very worried, you wouldn’t be right next to me right now.”
Oosting said he was not next to him and was at least an arm’s length away outdoors while recording him, but Johnson replied, “You’re within six feet.”
Johnson was one of three Republican legislators who did not wear masks at a committee hearing at the State Capitol in Lansing. The other two were John Reilly of Oakland Township and Beau LaFave of Iron Mountain.
It’s bad enough when right-wing anti-maskers refuse to play by the rules, it’s even worse when a state legislator, a supposed paragon of virtue and a Christian man, won’t do something as simple as masking up to protect the health of those around him.
My biggest regret right now is remembering he was first elected in a GOP primary in 2016 with only 29.3% of the vote and is about to begin the last leg of a six-year gig in Lansing, making nearly a half million dollars at our expense.
Mr. Johnson has failed his public service mightily. But as comedian George Carlin once said, “Nobody seems to notice, nobody sees to care.”
Mr Young
Once again I cannot debate you. You have ” nailed it ” when it comes to Johnson.
He is one great disappointment. Not the same person I supported when he first ran.
Sadly politics does strange things to good people. He is working on advancing to the Federal level, which he will achieve. Being an politician never had requirements to be concerned about the health and welfare of those that voted them into office.
Mr Smit,
Not looking for a debate, just curious. You indicate Rep Johnson “Is one great disappointment”. This is a very strong statement, I would be interested in say just three items or areas that has greatly disappointed you.
Mr Wilkens
My first introduction to Mr Johnson was very refreshing. Without going into huge detail many of the areas of my concern which may be trivial to others . Looked like the same he had.
Curtail pollution of the waterways, stop removal of wetlands, promote the green belt method of protecting waterways.
Advocating the need to control the wolf population thru hunting and trapping. Expose PETA and the HSUS for what their agenda is. Help and promote more walking and biking trails in urban and city areas .
As I said these are areas most care little about. I must applaud him for the bill to once again return us to a simpler gas can. (This is not sarcasm we need gas cans that work.)
Hopefully, as he moves up the political ladder he will gain my support.
Mr Wilkens hopefully, this answers your question. Once again my reasons are trivial, but we did discuss them at length before he got my support.
Mr Smit,
Thanks for taking the time. I was just curious what your disappointments were. I have read about some of Rep Johnson’s bills etc and he seems to be an honest hard working representative. I wanted to make sure I didn’t miss something big, as he received two votes from my household.
Journalism must be really slow these days. Army Bob comes up with new information weekly, you my friend bring the same old stuff.
People that I see in Hardings and other stores have masks on and they are social distancing. Yet, the virus continues to spread.
If I go to Grand Rapids or Kalamazoo, the same things are vividly present – masks and social distancing.
But we are not winning in slowing down the virus, according to the health departments and the governor, in fact, we are increasing in positivity rates exponentially.
Maybe our state representative knows more than we do. Does a mask and 6 ft. of distance keep us safe? The spread of the virus would indicate no, it doesn’t.
Maybe the “experts” don’t know everything about this virus either.
Thank you for letting us know Mr.Johnson’s clear disregard for science and putting others at risk with his selfish behavior. His apparent cavalier attitude toward this virus is disturbing. Perhaps the next time he tries to enter Harding’s without a mask, he will be asked to leave. If he refuses, call law enforcement to arrest him. He is violation of a health code emergency
It’s patriotic to wear a mask and it has saved more lives than we will ever know
Ms. Washburn, before I comment further I want to let you and others know I do wear a mask and social distance, only because I am aware of the stigma of not doing so and being conscious of others fear.
There is no scientific evidence I have found saying wearing a mask, socially distancing, and hand washing make you less likely to contract Covid19. There are health experts (Dr. Fauci) that espouse those safeguards, however, they have provided no scientific evidence to back up their claims.
We have been wearing masks and socially distancing for months and the virus testing shows the virus has spread exponentially across the nation. Do you see many locally not doing what is espoused by others and our governor? No, you don’t. So how is the virus spreading in our community and across Michigan? Maybe the wearing of masks and socially distancing is not effective as a deterrent to the virus. Look at the medical personnel that are gowned, masked, face shield, and gloves and the still contract Covid19 and many have succumbed to the virus.
I hope the vaccines coming out will be effective and stop the virus and our national pandemic subsides and disappears. It looks like this will be a yearly vaccine, like a flu shot.
President-elect Biden has indicated he would shut down the country. Well Joe, will we have an economy to save if that is done? People need to wake up and realize the experts don’t know and to quit relying on their false sense of superiority and bullshit.