The Dorr Township Board Thursday evening adopted a fiscal year 2019-20 budget of nearly $1.3 million, with anticipated revenues and expenditures just about even.

The board originally believed to be spending $3,360 less than taking in revenue of $1,296.950, but members agreed to last-minute budget adjustments of $15,000 for updating the master plan and $15,000 in support of roads from the general fund.

The general fund balance, or savings account, is expected to remain just about the same, at nearly $1.1 million.

Township Treasurer Jim Martin noted the current fund balance for all funds, including roads, the library and fire department is $2,0065,463.

The biggest source of revenue for the township is state aid revenue sharing, pegged at $640,000 for the next fiscal year, which will begin April 1.  The second biggest source of revenue is property taxes at $202,000, then administrative fees at about $80,000 and revenue from the Gun Lake Casino and cable and water franchise fees.

The greatest expenses are in building and maintenance, $171,450; fire department, $144360; emergency services, $110,100; recycling, $93,000; Planning Commission, $82,140.

The funds for fire equipment, roads and the library are separate from the general fund. The fire fund is for a half mill, the road fund has 2.9557 mills and the library has 0.2951 mill.

The road millage this year will handle 144th Avenue, 22nd Street, 17th Street, gravel and dust control.

Recycling expects to take in $93,000 in curbside fees and Professional Code Inspections gets about $125,000 in fees, so their budgets are a wash.

In other business Thursday night, the Township Board:

• Reappointed Greg Damveld and Deb Funk to the Downtown Development Authority Board, which provides no compensation to members.

Trustee John Tuinstra cast the lone dissenting vote on Damveld, noting he has served for 33 years, but, “I think it’s time for him to take a break.”

• Ratified the annual DDA budget of about $87,000 in expenses.

• Approved Fire Chief Gary Fordham’s request to hire Stephen Majuskas as a new volunteer fireman. Fordham maintained the newest firefighter will be an asset because he works second second shift, therefore available during mornings.


Robert M Traxler
March 22, 2019
This election we need to take Mr. Tuinstra at his word and term limit him. Knowledge, hard work and experience are to be condemned and not celebrated per Mr. Tuinstra. Thank you Mr. Damveld for your service to Dorr Township. It was good to see the Master Plan update got some funding, it is required by law and has not been updated other than a cursory look in the last 10 years. The Master Plan is a plan for future development mapping out a long term direction for zoning and developing, public hearings will be held at a latter date so you all can provide input into the process.
jeff fifelski
March 22, 2019
will concession stand be open in north park for baseball season this year?
Chris D. Gesink
March 24, 2019
Jeff, It's in the hand of the recreation dept. The new building provides a 16'X32' area to use. The Parks has obtained a food licence from the State of Michigan. For the Rec. Dept. to use. For other information please attend meeting March 25 at 7pm township hall

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