Jennifer Antel explains the trails commission proposal.

Jennifer Antel, representing West Michigan Trails and Greenways group, gave a presentation to the Dorr Township Board Thursday night about plans to establish a commission to oversee local paved recreational trails.

Antel, mayor pro tem for the Wayland City Council, said the commission would be part of a “River to River” effort to connect a trail along the old interurban in Kalamazoo, Allegan and Kent counties from Kent Trails to the Kal-Haven Trail.

She said a regional commission is proposed to discuss where the trail should go. It would be made up of representatives from cities, townships and villages, including Dorr, Leighton, Martin and Wayland townships, and the City of Wayland.

No one is asking for any money as yet, but the idea is to have a regional authority to oversee a project for a walking and bicycling trail from Battle Creek to Mackinaw City.

Supervisor Jeff Miling said the proposed commission would act much like the Wayland Area Emergency Medical Services board for ambulance service.

Antel said the commission would not have any authority to tax for launching or maintaining the project.

She acknowledged that some people who live near the proposed trail have expressed worry about increased crime, but, “Studies have show that as soon as there is a designation as a formal trail, the crime rete (in that area) goes down.”

Antel will attend the board meeting in July and it’s possible Dorr’s two representatives will be appointed by then.

In other business at last Thursday night’s meeting, the board:

  • Decided on a 4-3 vote to opt out of paying annual dues of $5,262 to the Michigan Townships Association. The four voting affirmatively maintain Dorr doesn’t get its moneysworth for its payment the state service.•
  • Learned from Fire Chief Gary Fordham that activity by the department has picked up significantly of late in the wake of a very quiet period caused by then Coronavirus. The chief said there were 23 calls in June and the yearly total to date is up to 61, just 17 fewer than the same time in 2019.
  • Was told by Township treasurer Jim Martin that a second township political forum is scheduled for 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 15, and it may be held outdoors, weather permitting, at North Park.
  • Was given presentations by County Clerk Bob Genetski and Prosecuting Attorney Myrene Koch. The latter reported that meth crime statistics have been increasing in Allegan County, as have incident reports of domestic violence.
  • Was told the number of public responses for the master plan survey is 407, a figure well above expectations from the Planning Commission.




John Wilkens
June 30, 2020
"Decided on a 4-3 vote to opt out of paying annual dues of $5,262 to the Michigan Townships Association. The four voting affirmatively maintain Dorr doesn’t get its moneysworth for its payment the state service.•" Do you have the roll call vote information on this issue? Thanks!!
June 30, 2020
I cannot remember the actual roll call vote, but it'll be in next month's minutes.
Don't Tread On Me
June 30, 2020
I thought the trail to nowhere was a dead issue, as it should be. There is no overwhelming outcry for this trail and there is no money for it. With paving a trail, upkeep, and trail protection by local police along it, who is picking up the tab? We have crappy roads, insurance rates the highest in the country, our state treasury is bare and that's all these idiots think about? Get real.
Harry Smit
July 2, 2020
Don't Tread on Me Have no fear Dorr will likely never be involved in and form of trail . Many years ago Dorr had a chance to become part of the current trail that goes from Byron Center to Grand Rapids. This was when the railroad abandoned the railway. It seems everyone south of 84th street to Hillards was so against turning that railway to a trail. I being one of the few who saw the advantage was greatly out numbered because that footage could possibly be returned to tillable land. Those landowners were damn sure something as useless as a trail would never go thru their property. The rails to trails was the ideal situation. Railways run relatively straight so trail users don't have to go blocks thur a town to rejoin the trail. Dorr township is constantly losing "green space " to developing housing complexes. You are very correct in regards to trails, parks, cemeteries and any other areas that cannot be tilled or built upon. These areas provide little or no tax monies for roads , etc. You are also correct when you speak of trails to no where. Dorr has its Boardwalk to no where....a very progressive project...that lost its momentum when members were replaced on the parks commission. DTOM please rest assured it will be a very cold day in Hell when the citizens of Dorr township support a trail thru their piece of paradise.
Don't Tread On Me
July 2, 2020
Mr. Smit, Thank you for responding to my comments. I have no problem with a trail or trails to somewhere or nowhere, I am concerned who will get stuck with the bill for construction, maintenance, and safety/law enforcement. Ms. Antel is full of good intentions as long as someone else foots the bill. She is a disaster for the city of Wayland with her ideas and fiduciary responsibilities to the city. She stays as a council member because most of taxpayers are too busy working their rear-ends off trying to pay for living in the overtaxed burg of Wayland and they don't have the time Ms. Antel seems to have in abundance.
Harry Smit
July 3, 2020
DTOM Your concern is justified Dorr has their "pathways" commonly called sidewalks today. A very great volunteer project to help stop another horrific incident of a child riding a bike being killed riding the shoulder of the roadway. As with all good deeds noone ever takes in to account the cost of maintaining the project and where the monies come from. The fact being things for the good of some will always be funded by all. That being said as with the pathways or Boardwalk everyone has the right to use them according to any restrictions that may apply. If a township taxpayer fails to avail the opportunity to use such projects the fault is theirs. Ms Antel is approaching in a manner that because it will be fairly transparent cost wise....this project if one supports or doomed to fail.
Jim Martin
June 30, 2020
Voting Yes - Josh Otto, Dan Weber, John Tuinstra, and Jeff Milling. No - Jim Martin, Terri Rios, & Debbie Sewers.
John Wilkens
July 1, 2020
Jim, Thanks for the information! Cheers!!

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