Danielle Golembiewski of Bloomingdale has been hired by Dorr Township to fill in as interim treasurer in the wake of the resignation of Myrna Marr.

The Township Board Thursday night voted to hire Golembiewski on an interim basis until a more permanent person is chosen next month. She has been an assistant assessor for the township in recent months.
Dorr Township Supervisor Jeff Miling, noting “we have no deputy treasurer, no treasurer,” told colleagues it was imperative make a swift decision. Marr resigned Jan. 17 and since then Golembiewski has been filling as a sort of acting deputy treasurer.
“We have a lot of work that needs to be done,” said Clerk Debbie Sewers. “We need someone to be there (in the office).”
The board considered having former Treasurer Jim Martin, now deputy supervisor, fill the position, but he has had health issues and isn’t particularly keen on coming in to work in the office.
There is no chance that Golembiewski will be much more than interim because she does not live in the township. This means the board sometime next month must hire a more permanent treasurer who would serve at least until the November election.
Sewers said she has spoken with three potential candidates and expects at least two to apply.
Golembiewski will be paid Marr’s salary until she leaves, and she will get a $10 an hour bonus for work she already has cone since Jan. 17.
In other business at Thursday night’s meeting the board:
• Heard a presentation by Circuit Judge Marge Bakker about the Legal Assistance Center in Allegan, which helps people with processing civil and criminal law cases when they can’t afford an attorney. She said the non-profit program operates on an estimated $80,000 annual budget and has served about 21,000 people over 10 years.
• Was told by Fire Chief Gary Fordham that the local department responded to a record 266 calls in all of 2021, up by 30 percent over 2020.
• Learned from Parks Commissioner Amanda Winters that there are growing concerns about the construction of a residence near where July 4 fireworks are launched every year from South Park. The board did go with her recommendation to appoint Tim Weber to the vacant position on the commission.
• Took no action on a proposal to upgrade Dorr Township from a general law township to a charter township, which would enable board to levy at least five mills in taxes every year. Board members’ comments were not supportive of the idea.
• Approved the Allegan County Road Commission’s work order for reconstructing 16th Street from 142nd Avenue to 140th Avenue later this year.
• Was told by Sheriff Frank Baker that Dorr Township generally ranks fifth or sixth in the county in number of calls for police service.
• Was visited by Martin Township Clerk Rachelle Smit, who is running for the Republican nomination for State Representative from the new 43rd district, alomng with four other candidates thus far.