Until Thursday afternoon, Dorr Township could boast as being one of the very few with a Fourth of July holiday celebration in West Michigan.

However, the Dorr Business Association, which sponsors most of the festival activities, has decided to cancel the parade, fireworks and many other events planned.

Spokespersons for the DBA explained that they chose to be in compliance with Executive Order 2020-110 that there be “No gatherings of 100 people or more for outdoor events.”

Not all activities and events have been called off. Food trucks, the ox roast and chicken barbecue will be take out only Saturday, the craft show/flea market will be helds at NorthPark along 142nd Avenue, the tractor pull and carnival will be in South Park, food vendors will offer takeout and disc golf will be held in the North Park.

The celebration was scheduled to start Thursday evening and run through Sunday, July 5, finishing with a community church service and auto show.

The DBA canceled the dunk tank, concerts, movies, Saturday morning parade and Saturday evening fireworks.

The DBA had planned a modified parade route and because virtually all other area communities had called off their festivals, Dorr’s stood to be one of the most popular events this year. But business owners would be on the hook for fines for having gatherings of more than 100 people.

There also were rumors that a large group of protesters were planning to drop in during the festivities.



Harry Smit
July 3, 2020
Sadly Dorr once again has become a shining example of where the Country is headed. It's supervisor had visits from the police and a letter from the State about the July 4th celebration. Does one really think our Governor or Attorney General could find Dorr on the map. It was likely all the emails and phone calls complaining about this celebration that brought the threats. I personally don't like fireworks since the late 60s....but I am able to cope with them. Parades no longer intrest me. Plus large crowds get on my nerves. But, I am not about to constantly complain about those activities. We have unwittingly spawned a future citizenship that will complain about friends and neighbors doing things that they disagree with but are not illegal. This is a dangerous road to travel....but here again these younger people do not or can not comprehend the possibilities this type of behavior leads to. Its ironic this virus has Dorr township citizens wanting to keep outsiders away ....but in all probability these same people oppose a wall keeping people out of the United States who try to enter illegally. How does one explain a large group of protesters ( for whatever cause) does not pose the same risk as the same size group celebrating an event ? Would not the size of the protesters in Grand Rapids be the approximate size of a high school graduation ceremony? There are a multitude of these comparisons which really have not been answered..... How can a disease become a political pawn with false information spewing from both parties. When did it become acceptable a government entity can close Churches, schools, businesses both manufacturing and retail, how are humans labeled essential and non essential because of their occupations, etc Yes, I only have questions for you....since you would not like my answer. Here it is .....we as citizens have become so well trained to blindly accept what our government proclaims as truth, and has us convinced those on power are only working in our best interests. They have installed a honest fear in us....if we fail to follow their rules we could die because we refused to listen. Thinking for oneself is frowned upon by government and your friends and family. We have become a Nation of followers (sheep) where independent thinking is highly frowned upon.
Don Borgic
July 3, 2020
Independence Day: a day of protest for Dorr In 1776 a small group of Americans spoke up and declared their independence from the greatest nation in the world .  approximately 10% of the people said “do you know what?” We have had enough and we are no longer going to be subjugated by the king of England and we therefore declare our independence . Today ,in 2020 ,a small group of people said you can no longer celebrate the memory of the formation of the greatest nation on earth.   The patriots that led our nation set forth to win our freedom . They knew that they would have to make great sacrifices to their families and their friends. They would lose their livelihoods ,they would lose their farms ,they would lose their families, and they would lose their lives. But they believed in the nation that they were forming because it was an idea. A nation founded on the idea that all men are created equal and they brought forth a constitution which guaranteed our freedoms and liberties.  One of those freedoms was written into the Constitution, the right to peaceably assemble. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” This shall not be infringed.So after a long fight in battles with the greatest army on earth we won our freedom . Freedom that wasn’t free . The word freedom can be described as free from domination .  Today we have given away that freedom and we have agreed to be dominated   . Elected officials that are supposed to work for us are now saying that we cannot celebrate the founding of our nation and all the people that have died and suffered so that we may live in freedom. We have succumbed to the notion that we are unable to make our own decisions and take our own risks and live our own lives without someone telling us what to do. My father and my father-in-law who fought in World War II would be appalled. My father-in-law whose last day in World War II was to liberate a concentration camp of women in Czechoslovakia would be shocked and angry that we so meekly set aside our rights because someone said “oh it might be dangerous. “ When the Barbary pirates captured our ships to enslave our sailors, brave marines marched to Tripoli to end the practice.  No one said stop the parade.  When the British returned in 1812, we reminded them that we had won our freedom. No one said stop the parade   Brother fought brother to resolve the issue of slavery and union, both sides thinking they were right. They had the courage to fight for there beliefs and the courage to forgive when it was over.  No one said stop the parade. When Europe was squandering it’s manhood in the trenches in France, the United States sent our brave soldiers to break the stalemate and bring peace.  No one said stop the parade. 24 years later we would do it again. A time of sacrifice and suffering with over 400,000 young men who would not see home again. No one said stop the parade. While 120,000 people died of Hong Kong flu in 1968-69 in the United States, we had men fighting and dying in Vietnam but no one said stop the parade. Our founders knew that our liberties would be challenged and so it is.  Ben Franklin was asked what kind of government will we have , “ a republic if you can keep it” he replied. What is needed now is a protest to reinforce the idea of our freedom. Is this a protest that our governor would march shoulder to shoulder to support?  Apparently not.  Protest on the Fourth of July. Don’t stop the parade. Don Borgic
Robert M Traxler
July 3, 2020
Mr. Borgic, Sir, OUTSTANDING! This needs to go national.
July 3, 2020
Let folks march for their “freedom”. I support the marcher’s right to die. Don’t wear masks; wearing seatbelts; drink alcoholic beverages while driving; smoke where ever you damn please; carry a knife or permitted firearm on a passenger plane. Who do those government folks think they are telling us how to live? The outrage is both palpable and disturbing. It’s a public health issue. It’s not you are a patriot or not. The “parade” is an attention seeking vehicle for the November 2020 election. Nothing more. This parade is reminiscent of the rally protesting the governor’s executive stay at home order that was held in downtown Grand Rapids on May 18. Barry County Sheriff Dar Leaf drove in from Hastings and spoke to the crowd. Interestingly, a few days later Sheriff Leaf admitted he had been working from home for more than 2 weeks because he was a critical worker and didn’t want to be infected.
Don't Tread On Me
July 4, 2020
Mr. Borgic, outstanding comments. Mr. Couchman, you must be all in on oppression by the government. You must be a Tory, remember who they were? Get your red suit on and display the hammer and sickle. You've been brainwashed by the Socialist Democrats! God, help us!
Robert Traxler
July 5, 2020
What say you to the BLM protesters in G. R. some 10,000? Oops! We know that is different, leftists can't spread the virus, or can they? Hippocracey on a grand scale? I'll say.
July 4, 2020
I find the science deniers being manipulated to think public health is a “freedom” issue laughable and potentially deadly. As an anti-government fan, are you going to refuse Medicare and never go to a hospital that accepts federal or state government funds? Are you marching, attending the parade as a spectator sans mask or staying at home encouraging others to attend putting their family members who are immunosuppressed or over 65 at risk? If not, why aren’t you on the front lines rather than sitting safely behind a keyboard? How much do you value self-preservation in the midst of a global pandemic over “freedom”?
Don't Tread On Me
July 4, 2020
Mr. Couchman, Have you seen the overall numbers lately? Our death rate is nothing per capita compared to other countries and we test up the wazoo now. It is unfortunate for the people dying, but there are no guarantees in life's journey. As to your smarmy remarks about refusing Medicare, we don't have choice, we were forced to "contribute" - another government boondoggle that will soon run out of funds to pay for your hospitalization once you leave the confines of your bunker and catch your beloved Communist friend's manufactured virus.

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