The Dorr Township CitizDorr Roads Promoens Road Committee is ramping up the campaign to pass a millage May 5 to fix local roads.

The committee has completed work on the look of postcards that will be sent to voters in the township, supporting a three-mill increase for five years dedicated entirely to repair and maintenance of local gravel and paved roads. Two forums in April also are scheduled.

Township Treasurer James Martin explained, “The mailings will be sent out one per home to registered voters. They will be postcard-sized and sent out to absentee voters first, and then the larger mailing about 10 days later. They will reach about 2,400 homes.”

Voter forums will be held at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 8, and Monday, April 13, both at the Dorr Township Hall.

Carolyn Sandel, chairwoman of the citizens’ road committee, said residents will be asked to approve three mills over five years to fix, maintain, pave and construct roads within the township. Also on the ballot will be half-mill proposal for six years to replace fire department equipment and vehicles.

The special election was made possible in December when the Michigan Legislature set a special election May 5 to let voters statewide decide on a proposed one-cent hike in the state sales tax to fund roads.

Sandel insists the local road millage is entirely separate from the state request.

“Even if the state gets approval (on the sales tax increase), very little will trickle down to our township,” she said. “And what the township has left in its road fund from prior millages is running out.”

She added that the citizens’ committee has decided on a five-year program because there are serious needs to repair and upgrade local roads.

Sandel has said it is critical that the Dorr road millage is approved in May because otherwise, “The earliest we could have another election on this proposal would August 2016, and I don’t know if our roads can hold up until then.”

The previous road millage has expired, and Sandel said it’s just not enough to handle the township’s growing transportation needs.


March 24, 2015
Would that include paving 12th?
March 24, 2015
While paving 12th street is not in the first phase, which starts by trying to provide for detour routes and reduce some of the traffic in the 142nd & 18th area, 12th St. is one of the areas being studied for phase II. Depending on costs of paving (currently $500,000-600,000 per mile) it is going to take sometime to get to all of the areas. And some will be spent on maintenance which may pertain to 12th. The 5 yr millage should get us well into phase II. There are over 47 miles of unpaved road in Dorr Twp, making it one of the most populated areas with the worst roads. Without the millage virtually nothing will be done on 12th. 12th also is shared with Leighton Township which would have to share the cost. There is a Citizens' Road Committee meeting Wed at 7 pm at Dorr Twp Hall. If you can make it it would help to have your concerns, and which portion of 12th street you are concerned with would help planning.

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