Dorr Elementary held a Cup Stacking for Coins event earlier this month.

The school was part of a world-wide cup stacking event for the Guinness World Book of Records to help break the record for the most cup stackers stacking in one day (last year it was more than 635,000). Dorr Elementary has participated in this event since its inception in 2006.

Each year, coordinator, Betty Onopa, has the students do a community service project in conjunction with the event. Last year they brought in canned food items that were donated to Project Hope in Dorr. This year they collected coins from each class that had PE that day.

They raised a little more than $500 with Mrs. Janet Allen’s class raising the most. Money collected will go to buy hats, mittens and snow pants for students in the Dorr area who are in need of those items this winter.

PHOTO: Janet Allen’s class won an ice cream party for having the highest donation. (Photo courtesy of Betty Onopa)

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