Dorr Elementary School is going “green” with a new raised garden bed and composter. This project is the first of many being planned by the school’s new Green Team and is funded by the Wayland Union Education Foundation.

Danielle LaJoye, kindergarten teacher/Green Team member, her students and the maintenance team, installed new gardening raised beds and a composter at the school.  The initial use will be to grow lettuce and then plant winter crops in the fall. The goal is to introduce children to gardening, how the process grows food and then goes to our tables to consume. The composter is part of the process and will provide a hands-on tool to take food waste and make new soil for use for the garden in the future.

“The Dorr Elementary team and this project is a launch for future Green Teams which we hope to expand district wide over the next couple of years,” said Pat Velie, Director of Finance and Operations. “We hope to reduce the trash footprint of the school.”

 Other steps at the school include conscientious steps to reduce energy use and to increase awareness of what is being thrown away – can it be recycled or reused? 

 Dorr’s Green Team is being coordinated by John Huyck, Maintenance Supervisor, Danielle LaJoye and Pat Velie, who are working with Principal Kevin Zaschak and his staff.

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