ThLam #17e Dorr Fire Department is determined to take care of its own, and it’s been providing support for two members facing serious health challenges.

Roger Lam and David Crowe both are battling cancer. Lam, who has served 10 years with Dorr and 16 years in fire service, recently had a golfball-sized tumor removed from the front area of his brain. Crowe, who has 26 years service with Dorr, has been diagnosed with prostate cancer and doctors have now discovered cancer in his lymph nodes as well.

Crowe #26

“We have 25 firefighters on our department,” said Chief Gary Fordham. “After surgery, some of their spouses sche

duled and delivered meals for Roger and Val for the two weeks following surgery. Last week, the depar

tment took a collection to help the Lams with their mountain of medical bills, and delivered it while doing yard cleanup at their house.”

Crowe is just starting treatment and he has been told his colleagues would like to do a yard cleanup for him, “as well as offering our help for anything he and his wife Melodie may need,” Fordham said. “I am currently checking into other sources outside our department for support as he goes thorough this difficult process.”

There will be a benefit for Roger Lam from 7 to 11 p.m. Saturday, May 14, at St. Stanislaus School hall.

The plight of two local firefighters gives rise to questions about the added risks of the profession.

“Yes, firefighters are more likely than others to develop one or more of several types of cancer, mainly due to the constant contact with toxins in smoke, and burned material,” Fordham acknowledged. “While we provide personal protective equipment to all firefighters, it is not possible to be 100% protected. That being said, I cannot say that either of these men have had health issues due to their firefighting careers.”

The chief went on to say, “I would ask for the community’s prayers and support of each of these men and their families. Both have given many years of service to our community and have been available 24/7/365 to help anyone in need. Right now would be a great time to show them our support.

“We are a family, and need to depend on each other not just in emergency situations but during one another’s life trials such as these. These guys are each one of ours and we take care of our own!”

PHOTOS: Roger Lam, his wife, Val, and family.

Firefighter David Crowe and wife, Melodie.

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