One member of the audience called it “an outlaw parade,” but a grass-roots Fourth of July parade stepped off Saturday morning in defiance of state orders against gatherings of more than 100 people because of the Coronavirus crisis.

Representatives from the State Attorney General’s office showed up in Dorr Thursday to warn the Dorr Business Association that going ahead with plans to have an Independence Day celebration would violate Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s orders against large gatherings in order to help slow or stop the spread of the virus.

A group calling itself “Restore Freedom” wasn’t having it and organized an alternative parade, which was covered live and extensively by photojournalist Zach Harig of Fox-17, a native son who announced that he had attended many such parades over the years and this one was just as enthusiastically greeted by local citizens.

The procession included ATVs, trucks, cars, riding lawnmowers, makeshift bells and whistles and a number of signs advertising for President Donald Trump.

A spokesperson for Restore Freedom said,

“It’s time to take our state back! So join me for an impromptu Restore Freedom Initiative 4th of July parade, where we are going to exercise our First Amendment rights to free speech and to petition our government for a redress of grievances. Come out with your American signage and shirts, bring your friends and family, and sign our petition to Restore Freedom In Michigan by constitutional amendment.

“We’re going to save our 4th of July freedom celebrations, take back our state, and restore freedom once and for all!”

Townbroadcast columnist Army Bob, aka Bob Traxler, argued in a column published Friday evening that if the state permits Black Lives Matter protests in other parts of Michigan, it must allow the citizens-backed parade in Dorr.

Because of the COVID-19 crisis, many if not most Fourth of July celebrations were canceled or curtailed. The annual Gun Lake fireworks, for example, were postponed until Labor Day.

Though the vast majority of comments on Facebook were supportive of the parade, one poster asked if Dorr had a school and taught science.

A fireworks display was planned for Saturday at dusk, and though many activities were called off because of threats of fines, the carnival and ox roast and chicken barbecue food offerings continued as takeout only,



July 4, 2020
Good for them, glad they pulled it off.
Harry Smit
July 4, 2020
Finally the citizenship of Dorr township just maybe be realizing we "the unwashed masses" do have a voice. Our governor can attend a protest but citizens can not celebrate Independence Day. I'm guessing her logic must be based on as the protesters turn to rioting the heat from the flaming businesses must destroy any COVID-19 in the area. Will she and the AG seek revenge... of course she will. Is it possible a few more cases of this virus show up? Of course, they might .... who will be able to say factually they came because of the celebration? (Yes, those sheep who now will be even more terrified will wail). Here is just something to think about. When one goes shopping, does one see persons with gloves touching many articles spreading whatever to everything touched? Do we see the mask being worn properly covering above nose to under the chin when near people? Does everyone constantly practice proper hygiene? Do people feeling sick stay isolated at home? The answer to these and a multitude of other measures is NO. If you or someone else contracts COVID-19.... before blaming someone else.. retrace your actions for the previous 14 to 20 days. If you missed one step in the suggested ways to avoid the virus.... who really is to blame? Of course, we never make a mistake.... so it is always someone else's fault. You and you alone are responsible for your health and welfare ... You will not agree... but it is what it is.
July 4, 2020
Nicely said!! You missed one point, Do you see employee’s wiping down the dairy doors after every person opens them for milk, frozen food, eggs, ice cream ect. I never have and probably never will.
Russell Bredeweg
July 5, 2020
Great job by the citizens of Door. I don't live in Door but sounds like some deep thinkers do.

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