Bob Wagner, who has been a member of the Planning Commission since 1968 and its chairman since 1975, has been absent from the last four meetings, from August through November because of health issues.
There have been reports that Wagner underwent surgery and since then has been recuperating at a nursing home.
Wagner is Michigan’s longest serving planning commissioner. There have been three attempts by three Township Board members to have him removed, in 2017, 2020 and this year. Each time he has been reappointed by votes of 4-3.
Some board members, particularly Trustee John Tuinstra, have maintained he should step down because of term limits considerations.
Vice Chairman Dan Beute has been filling in as chairman of the Planning Commission in meetings since August. There has been no word officially about prospects for Wagner’s return to public service.
An outstanding gentleman who is dedicated to the people of Dorr and an exceptional Chairman. Best wishes to Bob and his family. Dorr is also fortunate to have another great person in Dan Beute to fill in.