The Dorr Township Planning Commission Tuesday evening decided to recommend a rezoning for three parcels on 14th Street from agricultural to rural estates.
Joseph and Michelle Edsall were asking for the rezoning in order to get ahead of the prospects of the Kent County landfill coming in about a half-mile west on 14th Street near 146th Avenue. The current Kent County facility is near capacity and the land already has been purchased and set aside for such a purpose.
However, Zoning enforcement administrator Lori Castello of Professional Code Inspections and Township Treasurer Jim Martin both said current plans are calling for establishment of a sustainable business park instead of a dump.
Castello said the goal is “making things out of garbage instead of depositing it.”
This prospect makes more attractive the idea of buying parcels, but neighboring farmers Al and Wanda Talsma expressed opposition to the request because of the potential of adversely impacting their farm.
“This is quite a ways away from the master plan and might even be spot zoning,” Al Talsma asserted. “Once you rezone it, it opens this up to other permitted uses.”
He also predicted that 14th Street afterward will be paved because of the dump or business park coming in.
However, Commissioner Dan Beute ran through a checklist for spot zoning, in which it was determined that it wasn’t on three of four counts.
Commissioner Larry Dolegowski also expressed reservations, insisting the move was premature before township adoption of an updated master plan.
Castello acknowledged other uses could arise from the rezoning through special use permits, but that would be true only with further approval of the Planning Commission and Township Board.
There was considerable debate and discussion, prompting Commissioner Terri Rios to ask that the issue be tabled.
But Vice Chairman Bob Traxler said, “These people followed the proper procedures and paid their money, so they deserve an up or down vote tonight.”
Dolegowski cast the lone dissenting vote in a 6-1 tally.
The matter will go before the Township Board at its next regular meeting Thursday, Aug. 29.