A representative of Award Enterprises points to the area on the map where the road extension would occur.

The Dorr Township Planning Commission recommended approval to rezone 40 acres on 140th Avenue from agricultural to rural estates and granted a special use permit to Award Enterprises to expand a private road next to the Exxon gas station at the U.S.-131 exit.

The commission, however, tabled Jordan Notenbaum’s request for a special use permit to construct a private to service three duplexes between 12th Street and 144th Avenue.

John Scholten asked for a permit to build a road extension of more than 900 feet from 142nd Avenue north along Commerce, with an eye toward servicing the property where a new asphalt plant will be constructed. The private road already has been named “Marco Court.”

The vote was 6-1, with Commissioner Terri Rios casting the dissenting vote.

It was a near-unanimous vote to recommend that Ruth Noble be allowed to have 140th Avenue between 121st Avenue and 8th Street rezoned. Commissioner Brian Boot abstained because Mrs. Noble is his mother-in-law.

Commissioner Larry Dolegowski commented, “It’s not farmable land.

Chairman Bob Wagner said, “I really don’t see this as much of a problem.”

Lori Castello, zoning administrator of Professional Code Inspections, commented, “The applicant is asking for something that’s already been planned.”

Notenbaum’s special use permit for a road to service three duplexes ran into issues with potential drainage and safety concerns. If his plans are approved, eventually the immediate area will include five duplexes, which some neighbors object to.

Castello said similar proposals years ago were turned down, but the zoning ordinance has been amended twice since, making the plans feasible. However, the commission wants more information about drainage.

Also of concern was that Notenbaum was asking for permission to start with just a gravel road and then switch to asphalt once the project was com plted at the end of 2022.

A request for site plan review for Curious Minds HBusy Bags LLC was postponed until the Aug. 18 meeting.

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