The Dorr Township Planning Commission Tuesday night got another taste of continuing potential growth along 142nd Avenue.
The commission approved a site plan application from Rick Hapner of Vision Real estate, representing JVR Properties, for installation of a private road inside property at 1252 142nd Ave. The parcel is located just to the west of 12th Street. The road would be installed within the E-Commercial and Industrial Districts.
Hapner told commissioners he plans to have the private road service seven parcels, one of which may be a gasoline station.
The project has painstakingly avoided encroachment on wetlands, as Jason Derry of Professional Code Inspections noted, “The road gets close too wetlands, but doesn’t go into them.”
Commissioner Larry Dolegowski said he’d like to see a traffic signal installed at the nearby corner of Division and 124nd, which he referred to as “a mess.” He insisted that a request be made of the Michigan Department of Transportation.
Another development project was presented to the commission Tuesday night, this time from GVL Excavating for expansion of an office, nearly doubling its size at 4570 Division.
Both requests were approved by 7-0 votes.