The old Crosswind Church, the new Dorr Township Hall

Dorr Township still has $262,857 in its federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fund and needs to spend it before the end of 2024.

The Township Board had several discussions Thursday night about using the money wisely and within the rules, prompted by a proposal to buy and install a new American flag and flagpole at the site of the new Township Hall at 1683 142nd Avenue. The cost was estimated at around $10,000 from Flags Unlimited, but Township Treasurer Laurie Perry and Trustee Chandler Stanton brought up some cautionary commentary.

Stanton said he believes the board should spend ARPA money on larger and more pressing expenses associated with moving into the new township hall. Perry said the township has to make certain that it isn’t somehow violating ARPA’s spending rules.

For example, the board may have a more pressing need to take care of the former Crossroads Church parking lot at the new hall, along with a new generator.

But a proposal to postpone the purchase until at least next month was defeated 5-2, with Stanton and Trustee John Tuinstra the only affirmative votes. A motion to move ahead with buying the flag and flagpole went exactly the other way, 5-2, with Supervisor Jeff Miling, Clerk Debbie Sewers, Trustees Dan Weber and Patrick Champion and Perry carrying the day.

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the board:
• Fielded a formal complaint from Scott Calkins, representing 11 local residents, to enforce the local ordinance against obstructing the sidewalk at 4189 Cedar. The sidewalks has been plagued for a long time by overgrowth of vegetation and the property may qualify as blight.

  • Agreed to have a garage sale for items that remain at the old Crossroads Church (new township hall) that are not needed by township officials. Tuinstra suggested Saturday, Aug. 31 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., but the actual date was not decided.
  • Turned down a recommendation from the Planning Commission to adopt an ordinance widening private roads for commercial and industrial areas. The idea was opposed by Miling and Fire Chief Gary Fordham and the vote was 6-1, with Stanton casting the dissenting vote.
  • Approved a proposal to allow the board to take half of the fund balance and transfer it automatically to the capital improvement fund after the audit. Miling said, “This would make it automatic to just do it,” noting that capital improvements should have an easier way to increase their funding.
  • Was told by Perry that the general fund budget by the end of July posted $4.76 million and the fund balance was $1.4 million.
  • Learned from Fordham that the township fire department has fielded 293 calls as of Aug. 22 and he expects the number to exceed 400 by the end of the year.
  • Was told by Library Director Jeff Babbitt that residents are encouraged to add their names to the list of candidates for Library Board as write-ins. He said the deadline for getting on the November ballot is Friday, Oct. 24.

1 Comment

Jack Fleming
August 22, 2024
Now we have to think up creative ways to waste money on things we really don't need or want. 21st century government in action,

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