Dorr Library Director Elyshia Schafer (left) and her predecessor, Natalie Bazan Sarosta.

The Dorr Township Library Board is grappling with economic issues heading into next year, in the wake of the defeat of a millage request last August.

Voters in the primary election turned down a request for a levy of 0.798 mill for 10 years, with all but a half mill a renewal.

Library proponents maintained the millage would allow for increased hours and staff, to add to its collections, fulfill more specific requests, and update facilities, continuing to access books and movies with partner institutions, as well as providing spaces for local groups and organizations.

Library Board member Sara Rydeman told the Township Board Thursday evening that another millage request may have to be developed by May or August of next year. Otherwise, the library will run out of money for operations.

When asked how much millage the Library Board would seek, Rydeman said, “I don’t how much lower we can go (than a half mill in addition to the 0.298 mill currently levied).”

She insisted, Director Elyshia Schafer and her staff, “really scrape. I give them a lot of credit… I feel the director is a very good steward of the funds we have.”

She added that the library’s community programs are terrifically popular and always full. Library officials were unable to get the proposal on the November 2018 general election ballot.

Rydeman added that Barbara Gibson has resigned her trustee’s seat, but her successor, Carrie Brook, already has agreed to serve.

The current Library Board includes President Rachel Vote, Treasurer Marcia Brock Secretary Sara Rydeman and Trustees Jen Klug and Tara McMillan.

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the Township Board:

  • Was told the Planning Commission will have a special meeting at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 30, to consider site plan review for Liquid Haulers Maintenance.
  • Learned from Deputy Bernard Austhof that the most common public safety incidents handled lately in the township are compaints about dogs and car-deer crashes.
  • Was told by Fire Chief Gary Fordham that the department will have complimentary cider and doughnuts available for trick-or-treaters next Wednesday night.
  • Learned from Penny Post, the township’s representative on the Wayland Area Emergency Services Board that the ambulance service has handled a record 3,297 calls this year.
  • Approved an agreement to have the township’s maintenance department handle snow plowing for parking lots near Cedar and Pine Streets and next to Then & Now historical library for $50 per hour and charge it to the Downtown Development Authority.



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