Dorr Township Library will have its fifth annual Chicago bus trip Saturday Nov. 28, leaving the library at 7 a.m. and returning at 9 p.m. Cost is $40 per person.
Those who want to attend from Hopkins can be picked up that morning by the bus at the Park and Ride (or Ride Sharing lot) by the Hopkins/Bradley expressway exit so there is no need to drive to Dorr to try to find a parking spot there,
Library Director Natalie Bazan said, “I will have muffins and juice and water for breakfast for everyone and a few giveaways during the trip.”
Cost covers giveaways and gift cards for riders, and covers breakfast and the driver’s tip.
“When payment is made you will be issued a ticket as your confirmation,” Bazan added.
For more information, call all the library at 616-681-9678, or to sign up with your name and will be put on the waiting list.