Dorr Township Treasurer Jim Martin points to 22nd Street, where reconstruction work is nearly complete.

The Dorr Township Board voted 6-1 Thursday against the Park Commission’s request to purchase 40 acres adjacent to the South Park for $325,000, plus closing costs.

The Park Commission, indicated it is looking to the future to expand the park along 142nd Avenue, asked to buy the parcel from BD Land Company LLC.

In a letter to the board, the commission stated, “As a park board, we are looking to the future for the expansion of South Park and the continual needs of the Dorr residents. We would like to purchase this land now before it is sold to a developer and the land is plotted off. This would be a good investment for the future of our township.

Supervisor Jeff Miling was the only board member to vote in favor of the purchase. The majority said it’s too expensive and the township doesn’t have the money.

Barbara Chachulski, from the audience, said, “The people voted down the parks issue (in the Aug. 7 primary). That land to the south is a lot of acres of nothing.”

“In the future, we would like to have a community center, adult baseball/softball fields, bathrooms, and walking trails,” the commission said in the letter. “The possibilities are endless, at some point the township complex or even the fire department may need a bigger space for growth. Not everyone likes change or growth, but we should be looking to the future and do what would benefit the residents for years to come and not just today or next year.

“This land is available now, it might not be next month or in a year. We would hate to hear ‘Why didn’t the township plan ahead?’ Is it not our responsibility as elected officials to look ahead to the future and to decide what would be in the best interest of the township?”

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the Township Board:

  • Learned from Treasurer Jim Martin, a member of the Roads Committee, that reconstruction of 22nd Street is now nearly complete.
  • Heard from Martin that about $3 million in 2018 taxes have yet to be paid by local residents and his office will be open on Friday, Sept. 14, the deadline for paying.
  • Tabled a proposal to rescind its solicitation ordinance adopted July 26 and approve a new local measure written by the township’s attorney.
  • Adopted a resolution to grant a charitable raffle license to the Dorr Elementary PTO for its carnival Sept. 28.

1 Comment

Harry Smit
August 31, 2018
Hard to believe they had a 6-1 vote and a correct decision was made. If that acreage was able to be developed there would be homes there now. Not sure if anything has changed, the current landowner also owns a part of the South park. Again, unless something has changed from the bridge back east to almost the western drive is owned by the current landowner. Development would have occurred, if the township owned that property they would incur the same huge costs getting all the permits to build a bridge across the Red Drain to access the other side by vehicle. As mentioned previously, if it was development acreage homes would be there now. Previous Park Commissions have researched this and until the property abutting on the west or on the south become available being used for a park or development is not cost effective because of the Red Drain. Excellent job for the Township Board making political history, no tabling the issue, no additional research requested, 6-1 is a start. At least a few of us think, this circus might be ready to move on, or at least get some new clowns. Votes of 6-1 have no entertainment value.

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