The Dorr Township Board, after lengthy and contentious discussion Thursday evening, adopted a resolution of concurrence with Dorr-Leighton Sewer System rules and regulations.

Supervisor Jeff Miling, who shares administrative duties with Leighton Township Supervisor Steve Deer on the authority, said it hasn’t been determined yet whether it’s necessary to have an employee as an administrator to handle day-to-day decision making and compliance decisions.

The lengthy packet outlining rules and regulations prompted Trustee John Tuinstra to remark, “This needs work, it’s not ready,” suggesting the board table the decision on the proposal.

Miling said the rules and regulations were long overdue for the system that was established in 2011 and that sparked a recall effort Tuinstra was part of.

Tuinstra acknowledged he prefers citizens to get their water and sewer from septic systems.

“Over a lifetime, a person can save about $40,000,” he maintained.

Miling said common rules insist those whose septic system fails must hook up to a sewer system if it is readily available as a matter of health concerns.

Tuinstra flatly stated, “I’m not rubber stamping this. Why is it in front of me?”

Trustee Terri Rios added, “This is a lot of stuff to read through.”

Clerk Debbie Sewers said members of the sewer authority worked on the rules for a long time and they were carefully crafted to assure compliance with state laws.

“I’m not going to go to our attorney to tell him one board member objects to this,” she told Tuinstra.

Treasurer Jim Martin said, “These are pretty standard rules throughout the state.”

Tuinstra countered, “We should have a discussion to clarify this and not rush into making a decision… Users of this system have not had input.”

He was told there have been many meetings and public hearings over the years, but very few have showed up to comment.

Tuinstra asserted that costs for users have gone up considerably since the sewer system was implemented, but Martin said the chief reason was because of customers who refused to hook up.

Tuinstra moved and Rios seconded to table the issue for further study. Though the two voted in the affirmative they lost to a majority with Miling, Sewers, Martin and Trustee Dan Weber. Trustee Josh Otto was absent. The same 4-2 vote was to concur with rules and regulations.

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