The Dorr Township Board Thursday evening refused to pay a $270 bill from David Selvig of Dave’s Dozing for cleanup of the old leaf pickup site.

The township had been using the site for several years, but had to agree to shut it down last year because too many citizens were violating the rules of the agreement and turning the site into a virtual dump.

Selvig did a final cleanup at the site and issued the bill, but the work was not authorized by anyone from the township, so Township Board members voted 5-1 against paying the bill.

“This didn’t get the proper procedure for approval,” said Trustee John Tuinstra, noting that the board was being asked to approve something that already had been done. “I know a lady who would have her road paved and then send us the bill,” if the township operated that way.

Jeff Miling noted, “We could saved about $100 on the bill if we had done the work ourselves.”

Clerk Debbie Sewers added that she had a problem with the leaf dropoff site being closed before the agreement contract had ended.

Treasurer Jim Martin, who cast the only vote in the affirmative, asked Sewers why she moved to pay the bill when she had no intention of approving it. She replied that she did so just to initiate discussion of the issue.

Martin said he voted yes because it was such a small amount of money and Selvig had done the work in good faith.

In other business at Thursday night’s meeting, the Township Board:

• Unanimously adopted a resolution to ask to the Allegan County Road Commission reinstate its 50/50 policy on sharing costs for culvert replacement. It was noted the Road Commission picked up an extra $900,000 in funding.

Supervisor Jeff Miling said, “If we ask for this they’ll just say it’s not in their budget,” but he saw no harm in asking.

The resolution was prompted by a request from Hopkins Township Supervisor Mark Evans, who was seeking support from all 24 township boards in the county.

• Welcomed new deputy Ryan Gerke, who will join Ryan Rewa in coverage of Dorr and Leighton Townships. Rewa, who succeeds Chad Sikkema, has been on the sheriff’s force for a year and a half. Wayland High School graduate Sikkema has begun working on a day shift in his reassignment.

• Was read a letter from Dorr Business Association President Michael DeVries, who praised the local maintenance workers for keeping the downtown area looking good and praised the recent purchase of the property at Cedar Street and 142nd Avenue, urging that it be turned into a parking lot.

• Was told by Fire Chief Gary Fordham that the department is looking into purchasing a new truck to replace the 25-year-old Engine No. 310. He also reported taht Engine No. 11 doesn’t get around much any more.

PHOTO: New Deputy Ryan Gerke


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