The Dorr Township Board Thursday evening approved appointments for fill two vacancies on the Library Board, but Clerk Debbie Sewers said she didn’t appreciate a group e-mail on the issue in which she was tagged and the target of “rude and disrespectful” comments.

Sewers apparently took criticism for delaying the appointments because she first wanted to consult with an attorney to see if a special election instead was needed for two Library Board members. It was determined the appointments were legal and the two newest members could seek full terms in the next election in the 2018 primary.

So the board appointed Tara McMillan and Christie Lewis to the two vacant seats, replacing President Peg Otto and Larry Goldin, who declined to take the oath of office after being elected last August.

Sewers was accused in the group e-mail of delaying due process and spending money unnecessarily on an attorney’s opinion. She indicated she found the group e-mail threatening and perhaps even a violation of the Open Meetings Act because public officials were discussing an issue in a private setting.

Treasurer Jim Martin disagreed, saying there was no deliberation toward making a decision.

The Dorr Township Library is undergoing a heavy trasition with Director Natalie Bazan leaving after three and a half years and Otto stepping down. Remaining board members include McMillan, Lewis, Vice President Barbara Gibson, Treasurer Sarah Rydman, Secretary Rachel Vote and Trustee Marcia Brock.

PHOTO: Clerk Debbie Sewers


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