Then & NowThe Then & Now historical library and genealogy service may be getting a new and more permanent home.

Dorr Township Library Director Natalie Bazan and Library Board President Peg Otto Monday night asked the Township Board for its blessing to proceed with plans to have an addition built to the library on 18th Street, just to house the public service.

Bazan indicated that Linda Stoepker and her group of volunteers would be more than happy to move out of their current aging quarters on 142nd Avenue, which is the former site of the library and once serve as the township hall.

“I think it’s a great idea,” Supervisor Jeff Miling said. “It will give them more visibility.”Natalie and Peg

Citizen Carolyn Sandel in the audience said she has had experience in genealogy and noted that when such a service is located within a library, it increases traffic for both.

Otto told the Township Board, “You guys will get a substantial savings. You will no longer have to pay to heat that building.”

Because Then & Now is a non-profit service, it does not pay rent, nor does it pay for utilities for the building. The township has picked up the expense ever since the library moved to its new quarters several years ago.

Township Treasurer Jim Martin, while acknowledging his support for the historical library, noted that its costs have been challenging for the township.

“It has short hours and we’re paying for utilities constantly,” he said.

Trustee Patty Senneker asked Bazan and Otto how many people come into the library.

Bazan replied that the township several years ago asked the library to take down its monitoring system, so she doesn’t know how many people come and go, but cirirculation is at about 4,000 per month.

Clerk Brian Boot said, “We’re just giving them our blessing to plant it (the addition). Actually, we’re taking a job off our hands.”

Bazan said library officials plan to try to raise money to fund the addition and one potential donor may be willing to contribute as much as $5,000. If Then & Now can move out, it is likely the township will try to sell the building and adjacent parking lot.

The Township Board voted to give its blessing, but Trustee John Tuinstra cast the dissenting vote.

PHOTO: The Then & Now historical library may not be at its current location on 142nd Avenue for much longer if the township library is able to have an addition built.

Dorr Township Library Director Natalie Bazan (left) and Library Board President Peg Otto made a presentation to the Township Board Monday evening.

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