Dorr Township residents today found these flyers, courtesy of the Friends of the Dorr Township Library, in their mailboxes. Included is material that spells out what will happen if voters turn down a request for 0.6 mill for 10 years to fund operations of the local library. The millage request will appear on the local ballot for the Tuesday, March 10, Michigan presidential primary. If the request fails, it is more than possible that the library could close by the end of the year.

Posted inCommunity Notices
Isn’t it amazing the amount of money being spent on this proposal?
Where was this group a few years ago, it’s not like this was not mentioned 8 to 10 years ago? It finally took the possible closing to rally a group of people who should of been organized well before this crisis.
Mr Young. This is the second mailing the first was to a select few ( it was only a postcard ) These reason I say a select few is my wife was the only one to receive it in our household ( sadly she is deceased ) .
Again this brings forth another question how long does it take if a person passes till their name is removed from lists available for political mailings ?
But, I regress, this group is also working on fund raising at a local eatery.
The question at this upcoming election will be is all this to late? If it is other libraries without a group willing to promote their library should wake up and take notice.
The second part of the question is if the millage passes will the Friends of Dorr Township Library still remain active, or will they disband till the next major crisis arises?
Only time will tell….
Mr Smit,
You are spot on with your assessments. The Dorr Township Library Board continues to waste thousands of dollars running special elections. They are hopeful of railroading this millage request through when the snow birds are gone to warmer climates. It’s a travesty that the board will not represent their constituents and choose to serve themselves. I hope people come out and stop this sham job and vote this millage down.
You’ll be happy to know that no public funding has been used for the March ballot proposal. It has all been covered by the FOTDL and local donations.
Also you’ll be pleased to know that this direct funding of the library will allow you to direct your tax dollars more efficiently with the library board, rather than having to filter through numerous layers of local politics.
All this consternation expended for nothing. Libraries will be obsolete soon as will brick and mortar commercial buildings by and large. Everything informational and entertainment will be on your information machine (TV or computer). In the next 10 years it will become reality. Everything informational will be electronically accessible (much is already).
The difficult part is who will be in control of the information and how much spin will be incorporated into the final product. Do you trust what the media spins now?