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The Dorr Township Parks Commission is inviting the entire Dorr community and all park users to the next parks meeting at 7 p.m. Monday, June 13, at the Pavilion in North Park.

Main topic of discussion will be how to best protect and serve the local parks and community.

A commission-generated press release suggested: “Please start thinking about:

1. Ways you can help?

2. Problems with a solution or at least a thought process.

3. How to best use tax payer property and dollars to serve the taxpayers?

4. Would you be more active with commission? There is a chair open.

5. How to handle outside influence (gang initiations)?

6. Things you would like too see added to the parks? Budget and plan thoughts.

7. Activities/programsT.

“To assist you in your thought process, here are some facts you need to know:

1. Yes, there are cameras outside.

2. The security system runs $3,200 +/- every year.

3. Cleaning services cost $16-plus an hour.

4. Park Commissioners only get paid a flat rate per meeting, not hourly. We volunteered for this and do it for our community, we’re not in it for the money.

5. We meet twice a month. The second and fourth Monday at the North Park Pavilion.

6. We manage three parks.

7. Our meetings are open to the public.

8. Our budget is limited

.9. We receive no input at our monthly meetings from the public, so we are doing our best.

10. We have taken legal steps for some vandalism, however, not all warrant the legal system.”

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